Difference between Anime and Cartoon- Feature - TCP

Difference between Anime and Cartoon

Though anime has developed a strong hardcore fan base, cartoons still have a substantial global outreach. Anime is famous for its exciting narrative and unique depiction of story lines. But as people tend to incline towards light entertainment easily, watching anime shows with subtitles seems stressful.

Ghost is real or not - Feature - TCP

Ghost is Real or Not?

One of the most common psychological conditions that bring in ghostly experiences is Sleep Paralysis. If you are here to know whether a ghost is real or not, you might have heard about it. This happens when your brain is stuck between the state of being awake and sleeping. In this condition an individual dreams with their eyes wide open.

How to Dicipline A Child - Feature - TCP

How to Discipline A Child

Parents can also try another trick to make their kids listen to them. They must not punish their child upfront but boldly tell him about the outcome if he doesn’t heed them and breaks any of the behavioral rules set by the parents. For example, they can tell their child that they will stop giving him pocket money for a week; or they can also warn them that they will not make their favorite dish for five days as a cost for his deed. No doubt, on doing this the child will never break the rules again and will stick to discipline.

West Bengal Folk Dances

Dancing Around India: Chapter 7 – West Bengal Folk Dances

The fourth dance form that the couple talked about is the Raibense Dance, performed mostly by a group of male dancers, which is a representation of the Bratachari tradition of Bengal. It is an ancient dance form that originated in Bengal and is a reminder of the expertise of the Bengalese in the military field. The word ‘Rai’ means kingly and royal and the word ‘Bense’ comes from ‘bansh’ or bamboo. This dance form consists of the men dancing with bamboo sticks and props and imitating fighting and acrobatics so as to display their control over the art. Seeing this dance form will give the audience an idea about the valour of the ancient people of Bengal. The Kanshi and Dhol are the only instruments used in this dance form. The clanging sound of the Kanshi and the rhythmic beat of the Dhol can generate a sense of courage in the heart of the dancers. The costume is a simple dhoti stripped with red clothing that signifies valour. It was modified to its present form by an ICS, Shri Gurusaday Dutta.