Oldest Regiment of Indian Army - Feature - TCP

Oldest Regiment of Indian Army

Some were sent to the ‘Gorkha’ and some to the ‘Punjab’ regiment. In the year 1922, further re-organization took place. The first and second Punjab regiments were born out of the senior battalions. Hence, the Madras regiment came to be known as the third Madras regiment. Between 1923-28, the entire regiment was disbanded. In 1941, the regiment was re-established once again with full battle honors. Sir Artur Hope was appointed as the Colonel-in-Chief from 1942-46.

Famous Jews in History - Feature - TCP

Famous Jews in History

We all know how “Blowin’ in the Wind” mesmerized the people in their early 20s. But very few of us know that the creator of the masterpiece, Bob Dylan, was a Jew by birth. In his childhood, he with his family moved to Hibbing, Minnesota. The place had a powerful influence on Jews. However, in later life, he was converted to Christianity and became an evangelical in the late 1970s. According to him, he was neither a believer nor a non-believer in his Jews identity. Although he used many Jewish and other religious allusions in his songs, he never called himself Jewish or inclined to any other religious sect.

How did Sojourner Truth Die - Feature - TCP

How did Sojourner Truth Die

Isabella gave herself the name of Sojourner Truth once she believed that all her journey was destined to serve God. During her stay at the house of Wagenens, she had religious experiences that changed her life completely. Eventually, she became an ardent devotee of Jesus Christ. In the year 1843, she became a Methodist, a believer of the denominations of Protestant Christianity based on the life and belief of John Wesley. The name Sojourner Truth depicts her belief that God has chosen her to preach the truth. She stated, “The Spirit calls me, I must go”.

3rd Round Table Conference - Feature - TCP

The 3rd Round Table Conference

The Round Table Conferences had played a huge role in Indian History and are the reason for the way we see our country today. However, it was the Third Round Table Conference that had finally brought our leaders the much-awaited freedom that they had been fighting for.

Most Important Event in World History - The Renaissance - Feature - TCP

Most Important Event in World History – The Renaissance

It was not just artists; scientists were also involved in an intellectual pursuit of their own. It was during this time that science developed theories and ideas that have helped shape today’s world. It began with Copernicus and Galileo who came up with a clear-cut understanding of the Earth’s position in the universe by proving that the Earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around. It is during this time that mathematicians had come up with new financial trading systems, thus making world navigation easier than ever.

Who built Khajuraho temple? - Feature - TCP

Who built Khajuraho temple?

As to the question of who built Khajuraho Temple, the only bit of information known is that it was built during the reign of the Chandela dynasty, between 885 and 1050 AD. The great Vedic kings, Yashovarman and Dhanga take the credits for building most of these beautiful Khajuraho temples.

Where is Buddha from - - Feature - TCP

Where is Buddha from?

The conflict arises as both of the countries have Buddhist influence within their periphery. From cultural heritage to ethnic foods and clothing, from historical excavations to spiritual presence, both countries are enriched with a wide range of evidence supporting their claims. However, the pieces of evidence are still not enough to justify the origin of Buddhism or the birth of Buddha in any of these provinces.  But, one must not ignore the mysterious doubts that these claims raise regarding the original place where is Buddha from.

Dancing Around India: Chapter 2 – Mohiniyattam

 – (Reading Time: 12 min Approx) Next morning around, 11 o’clock Sunetra got down at Trivandrum Central, railway station. The cool breeze and greenery all around whispered to her ears – “Welcome, Sunetra! Kerala was waiting for you”.  She opened Read more

Dancing Around India – One

It’s been 2 years now, after the car accident but Sunetra looked at her shelf full of trophies and murmured to herself- “I still dance like a peacock Guruji, maybe in my dreams, but I still do. And I’m going to re-discover Dance – in its unique original art form, as is experienced in its true home, all over India.”