Can You Freeze Almond Milk?

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Can You Freeze Almond Milk?

-by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 7 min Approx

Can you freeze almond milk? Well, the answer is ‘Yes’. You can do it with good results. After you have frozen it, you should have an idea about what to expect. The color, taste, and texture of the almond milk change. However, if you use a good blender, it can keep the appearance the same as before. Almond milk has a velvet-like texture, and it is rich and creamy. You can also use it as a coffee whitener. But you have to use it within a week.Can You Freeze Almond Milk? - Descriptive 1 -TCP

It will do you good, if you gather some information about the storing process, freezing, as well as thawing. But, should you freeze it? Most manufacturers will ask you not to. The first reason why you will be discouraged to freeze it is, because the milk stays fresh inside the carton, if left unopened. Moreover, almond milk goes through a process, which can change its structure after freezing. However, there are several ways, you can prevent the biochemical changes. The nutritional value also remains unharmed. If you thaw almond milk, it stays fresh for up to 3-5 days. You should know about the changes in flavor and texture.

Almond milk consists of a mixture of small particles and 88 percent of water. The particles are comprised of tiny pieces of almond, proteins, cellulose, and fats. All the separate ingredients have a separate freezing point as well. Additionally, the water freezes at a higher temperature, than that of the other components. When the temperature drops, the water separates out and the other particles settle at the bottom. The fats also freeze, though much later and settle at the bottom. Thus, you notice a change of color. The answer to the above question, ‘can you freeze almond milk’ is still incomplete. Read further.

Can You Freeze Almond Milk – Know More Facts:

Continuing from above, after thawing the milk, the separation of the fats and water becomes even more evident. If you drink the almond milk as it is, it will taste bland. However, you can reverse this by shaking the milk vigorously. This will help to blend the particles of fats, proteins, other lipids, and the separated liquid. What you get is the almond milk.

If you have brought it from the departmental store, it will also contain certain emulsifiers. If you make it at home, you can add lecithin. After you blend it in, you should refrigerate the thawed almond milk, and use it within 3-5 days. Now, you should learn about myriad ways to freeze it.

  • You can freeze it in small quantities. The ice cube method is extremely good for you. Moreover, you will not notice the separation.
  • You can also try freezing the milk in its own container. You can minimize biochemical changes, by not exposing it to oxygen.
  • Try freezing it inside an airtight jar. You should ensure to leave some gap at the top, which should be apparent while closing the lid.

So, now you have got the answer to the burning question – Can You Freeze Almond Milk?Can You Freeze Almond Milk? - Descriptive 3 -TCP

Can You Freeze Almond Milk to Make Ice Cream?

Yes, it completely possible. You can make almond milk ice cream, with a few ingredients. The ice cream is devoid of any unnatural sweeteners and is dairy-free as well. Moreover, it is vegan. It suits all those of you, who are lactose-intolerant. Moreover, you do not need to add any eggs or cream. Take raw, unsalted cashews, almond milk, and maple syrup.

Soak your cashews overnight and allow them to soften. The next morning, discard the cashews and blend it. Add some almond milk and run the blender once again. Slowly, add the remaining milk and then add some maple syrup. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker, and churn it. After you are done with the churning, you can transfer the mixture into a container and freeze it. Now, get ready to savor the taste of the best almond milk, ever. So, now you are ready to have your almond milk ice cream.

There are various flavors that you can try. You can choose chocolate almond milk, strawberry, peanut butter, or just about anything. Many people also love to enjoy almond milk smoothies. That brings us to the question, ‘Can you freeze almond milk smoothies’?

Yes, it is possible. You can freeze almond milk into cubes, to prepare smoothies. You can now prepare smoothies for weight loss. If you use ice cubes, your smoothies will be a lot creamier. Moreover, you can also try adding coconut water to these smoothies, to make them weight- loss oriented.

If you want to make smoothies, you need to use unsweetened almond milk. Freeze them in the freezer. A cup of almond milk makes around 8 cubes. Moreover, it will also satiate your need for calcium throughout the day.

Can You Freeze Oat Milk?

Most people who are lactose-averse love to experiment with different milk substitutes. Oat milk is one of them. Moreover, it is also a vegan alternative. It is creamy in consistency and adds the right dose of sweetness to your coffee. You can even have it with your breakfast cereals. Many desserts also contain oat milk. You can make great ice cream with oat milk. It does turn grainy, but it if you carefully strain the thawed milk through a cheesecloth, it will come out smooth.Can You Freeze Almond Milk? - Descriptive 4 -TCP

Before, you get into the intricacies of freezing oat milk, you should know what it is. There is good news for all those who are allergic to lactose, gluten or nuts. Oat milk has none of these. It is made by extracting the oats into water. You should blend rolled oats, warm water, and a pinch of salt in a blender. Then, strain it through a cheesecloth. You get the liquid milk, with the oat pulp as residue. You can store it in an airtight container. Consume it within a week.

You will be amazed to know, that commercially made oat milk has more nutritional value. Moreover, it has a low-fat content and high fiber. Now, we will go back to the original question, ‘Can You Freeze Oat Milk’? The answer is yes, you can. However, it does get a bit grainy. But you can still accomplish the task. There are two different ways to freeze oat milk. You can place the entire carton in the freezer, and freeze it. It will last for a whole 6 months. You can also store the oat milk, in a freezer-safe bottle. Leave a gap at the top, for expansion.

Moreover, you have to ensure to use all the thawed oat milk at once. Do not refreeze it. Freezing can keep it fresh for longer. You can thaw it at room temperature, before serving.

Different Vegan Alternatives for Cow Milk

You will come across several alternatives for cow’s milk.  Apart from almond milk and oat milk, there are plenty others. They are:Can You Freeze Almond Milk? - Descriptive 2  -TCP

  • Soy Milk:

It is the most easily available alternative milk in the market. It is rich in proteins and calcium. It is also aid to contain isoflavone compounds. Moreover, it is low in cholesterol as well. It boosts bone density and also reduces post-menopausal symptoms in women. So, many good qualities make this milk the ideal one for health-conscious and the weight-watchers.

  • Cashew Milk:

It is another nut-based milk that you can have in place of your regular milk. It is also rich in calcium and healthy, too. And why not? It has unsaturated fats, and vitamins as well. It is also said to boost your heart health. Cashews also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. That makes them healthy for the eyes.

  • Coconut Milk:

It is another vegan alternative that you can try today. It gives the closest dairy flavor. Moreover, it is high in potassium. Thus, you can maintain the electrolyte balance of your body, with its assistance. Coconut milk is easily available in the market as well. So, that is an added bonus.

It is easy to freeze non-dairy milk. You can freeze all types of vegan milk. Alternative milks are a homogenized mixture of several ingredients and water. Therefore, you have to freeze them carefully. After, the milk thaws, you have to ensure to blend them nicely. Or else the water separates out.

If you freeze vegan milks like almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, and cashew milk, inside the carton, it stays in its original state. However, if you open the package, freezing can change the taste. So, you have to blend them properly after thawing. This will result in the same smooth consistency, that they originally have.

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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