Largest Museum in India - Feature - TCP

Largest Museum in India

The colossal structure is spread across 16.25 acres. It also houses the Museum Theatre. There are few people in this world who do not like theatre. If you have loved Shakespeare’s works, you can visit the Museum Theatre. It holds Shakespearean plays and dramas. You will find the most well-reserved manuscripts from yesteryears. Since 2004, the museum has been designated as a Manuscript Conservation Centre. There is a separate area for youngsters. The galleries hold dolls from various eras, along with exhibits of costumes, scientific displays and transportation.

Leonardo Da Vinci: His Genius in Our Tomorrow - Feature - TCP

Leonardo Da Vinci: His Genius in Our Tomorrow

Leonardo did not care about adhering to preconceptions, laws, dogmas and logical definitions that were considered untouchable and immutable about the world. He empathized with that fragment of reality that he approached to make artistically immortal. There was empathy precisely, that is, placing oneself in the state of mind of others, identifying oneself and emotionally involving oneself in the feelings of the other.

Art and Society in the Pandemic: learning from the Past – Chapter 1

“If art is the mirror of the society in which we live, how has modern man, together with his innate creativity, mirrored himself in a world twisted by a pandemic?”
If with this question I was referring to the Pandemic of the eighteenth century and I was a writer of the time, which is very unlikely, but in any case, would the answer change?