Can Dogs Have Autism? - Feature -TCP

Can Dogs Have Autism?

So, yes, that takes you again to various other special needs as well. Can dogs have special needs? Yes, they can have. However, it is an umbrella term, used for various diseases. It is much easier to pinpoint the dysfunctional behavior in dogs. Doctors may find it difficult to diagnose any particular disease like Autism, but can tell if the dog is suffering from dysfunction. There is no broad spectrum, to base your research on. Dogs basically demonstrate compulsive and repetitive behavior. They are also socially-impair

Can Cats eat Avocado? - Feature - TCP

Can Cats Eat Avocado?

You already know that cats are obligate carnivores. Their food requirements do match dog’s. However, they are not capable of digesting many dog-friendly foods. They love chicken very much, though. It is a great source of lean protein. You should always ensure to remove the skin and cook the chicken well. Apart from chicken, another food or rather a fruit that your cat will enjoy are bananas. They are rich in potassium and soluble fiber. Now, there must be another question in your mind.

How to Get an Elderly Person into Care Home - Feature - TCP

How to Get an Elderly Person into Care Home

Some special homes prefer to arrange trips, social gatherings, recreational activities, and so on. In short, a care home for elderly people offers the care and attention that you may not provide by yourself. The difference between a care home and a nursing home is that a care home feels like a second home. On the other hand, a nursing home is for utmost medical emergencies. You have to live as a patient there.

Can Dogs Have Cucumbers? - Feature - TCP

Can Dogs Have Cucumbers?

Who can resist those puppy dog eyes? Can you? Well, we cannot. But this does not mean that you will treat your dog to anything and everything. Your excess love can be toxic for your dog if you are not careful. If you are giving some food containing Xylitol then you are in for a rude surprise. Anything that has Xylitol is harmful enough to kill your dog. You should keep a list handy. Candy, gum, toothpaste, and some baked goodies contain copious amounts of Xylitol. Now, you know what foods can kill dogs. It can cause your dog’s blood sugar to drop and can lead to liver failure. Your dog may also have seizures.

How to Dicipline A Child - Feature - TCP

How to Discipline A Child

Parents can also try another trick to make their kids listen to them. They must not punish their child upfront but boldly tell him about the outcome if he doesn’t heed them and breaks any of the behavioral rules set by the parents. For example, they can tell their child that they will stop giving him pocket money for a week; or they can also warn them that they will not make their favorite dish for five days as a cost for his deed. No doubt, on doing this the child will never break the rules again and will stick to discipline.

Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family - Feature - TCP

Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family

So, considering the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear family, we can conclude that we may not be able to keep holding our traditional nostalgia of an extended family in this era of globalization. Despite many of its disadvantages, a nuclear family is probably inevitable. But, to enhance the quality of living, we can think about some considerations while going for an independent parent-children family structure.