Can Dogs Have Autism?

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Can Dogs Have Autism?

-by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 7 min Approx

Can dogs have Autism? Before, we step into this, you need to know what Autism is, and whether it affects dogs. Till date, you must have heard about humans suffering from Autism. But dogs and Autism is something new. Autism spectrum disorder or ASD is something, that humans suffer from. In the past decade, more and more humans have been diagnosed. But what is it? It is basically a development disability, that can cause a lot of social, communication, as well as behavioral challenges. One out of fifty-four children in the U.S. are under Autism spectrum.Can Dogs Have Autism? - Descriptive1 -TCP

Most children are diagnosed for Autism by age 2. However, it is not difficult to get diagnosed in adulthood, too. There are no blood tests or medical tests to diagnose it. It is diagnosed after a careful screening of the applicants. Some of the behaviors, that specialists look for are avoidance of eye contact, stealing glances, and difficulty to identify emotions as some of the patterns. All those who suffer from Autism, avoid physical contact as much as possible. Moreover, such individuals have the habit of getting upset, over changes in the environment. Furthermore, they also have delayed language development.

But the question is, can dogs have Autism? Research has shown that animals can also suffer from Autism. Dogs also suffer from Autism, but it is called Canine dysfunctional behavior. The cause of the disease is still unknown. It is believed that dogs suffering from Autism have certain neurons missing in their brains. Thus, they do not learn social norms well. These neurons are called ‘Mirror neurons’, as these allow younger dogs and puppies to emulate the social behavior of the older dogs. Without the capability to do so, the dog is unable to develop social skills, just like a child suffering from Autism.

Can Dogs Have Autism?

It was back in the 1960s, that researchers came across similar symptoms in dogs. Dr. Nicholas Dodman, an animal behaviorist presented a paper on this in 2015. He researched on the ‘tail-chasing’ behavior of Bull Terriers, which is a possible trait of Autism. From the sample of around 300 Bull Terriers, half the number showed this behavior. It was connected to aggressiveness. And, male dogs more commonly practiced this behavior. It was a big step, in the research of Autism in dogs. Most dog owners, have felt the need for a better diagnosis of varied behavior in dogs. However, the symptoms are often intermingled with symptoms of other diseases. Moreover, humans have very limited knowledge regarding typical and atypical behavior in dogs.Can Dogs Have Autism? - Closure-TCP

Furthermore, an Autism spectrum exists for humans, but not for animals. Thus, vets have to depend on certain traits and behavioral symptoms and compare them to the normal behavior. Now, that answers Can Dogs Have Autism? At least partially, you are aware that it can occur to dogs as well. But there is no stringent evidence. It comes under the umbrella term Canine dysfunctional behavior. So, you need to know about it in details. Now, many of you might ask, ‘Can dogs have autism symptoms?’

Yes, they can. Some of the possible signs, that vets have segregated include lack of communication. Most dogs are adept at expressing their feelings, by wagging tails. But some do not show this behavior. They may avoid eye contact or a trance-like behavior. Obsessive symptoms or repeat behavior, are the other possibilities. Moreover, you will find these animals chewing at things, without stopping or grinding their teeth. Furthermore, they are very anti-social. If your dog does not like to interact, then it may be a sign that it is Autistic.

Some dogs also become extremely aggressive, when they hear certain sounds. It can be seen as a trait for Autism. Autistic dogs also tend to stay away from various activities, and keep to themselves.

Canine Dysfunctional Behavior:

So, yes, that takes you again to various other special needs as well. Can dogs have special needs? Yes, they can have. However, it is an umbrella term, used for various diseases. It is much easier to pinpoint the dysfunctional behavior in dogs. Doctors may find it difficult to diagnose any particular disease like Autism, but can tell if the dog is suffering from dysfunction. There is no broad spectrum, to base your research on. Dogs basically demonstrate compulsive and repetitive behavior. They are also socially-impaired.

The various signs of CDB are:

  • Anti-social behavior
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Communication issues
  • Non-response to stimuli
  • Avoidance to external environment
  • LethargyCan Dogs Have Autism? - Descriptive 3 -TCP

Can Dogs have ADHD?

Now, this is one of the most asked questions when it comes to humans. It is a psychiatric condition in people. Such people are often very impulsive and hyperactive. And, yes, now researchers have found a canine temper as well. It is called hyperkinesis. Many dogs bark at the slightest pretext. They cannot remain calm for most part of the day. Additionally, these dogs appear to be visibly distracted under normal circumstances. If you go into the depths of neurology, ADHD and hyperkinesis are the same.Can Dogs Have Autism? - Descriptive 2 -TCP

Doctors have often administered Methylphenidate chemicals, to such dogs and found them under control. It is the same medicine that is given to children suffering from the ailment, under the brand name Ritalin. ADHD is quite popular in children and adults. However, not many people will talk about hyperkinesis in dogs. It is grossly under-reported. Those dogs, which are hyperactive are called untrained dogs. Moreover, many people see a need for them to be restrained. You will often find untrained dogs, with whom their owners cannot cope in shelters. That is where their destination is. It is sad, but true.

Many dogs exhibit unrestrained behavior, and so overwhelming is the situation that their owners turn them away or get them euthanized. A formal diagnosis takes place very rarely. If you see a dog that exhibits this kind of behavior, you should seek veterinary help. Some owners also go to the extent of punishing their dogs. It is simply not done. So, you might consider spreading the message after reading this article. Punishment does not suit dogs with ADHD, just like it does not suit a child. If you see a dog not responding to positive reinforcement, get trained personnel to observe them. The veterinary doctor will check underlying endocrine conditions, and neurological conditions to seek answers. Hyperkinesis is a mental disorder, in the same manner as it is for a child. So, you have to get the right attention for such cases. Now, you seem to have got the answer to your question, ‘Can dogs have ADHD’?

Can Dogs Have Down Syndrome?

When it comes to genetic makeup, there are certain similarities between dogs and humans. You will often find veterinary doctors prescribing similar medicines as in humans. Dogs can also have seizures, diabetes, anxiety attacks, and cancer. Before, we get into the debate, of whether dogs can have it, you must find out what it is. It is a genetic disease, in which abnormal cell division occurs or a partial copy of Chromosome no. 21 is created. This extra genetic material causes various abnormalities. It is often characterized by downward slanting eyes, and severe intellectual disabilities in children. Dogs by default have 39 sets of chromosomes, so Down’s syndrome cannot occur in dogs. However, dogs may suffer from other genetic abnormalities that may appear similar to humans’ Down Syndrome.Can Dogs Have Autism? - Descriptive 4 -TCP

You may see some features like abnormally broad head, growth delays, hearing problems, eye issues, short limbs, and mental disorders, it may be time to take your dog to the doctor. Dogs cannot be diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome officially. If your dog has congenital heart disease, it may look similar to Down’s syndrome. Thyroid problems also represent themselves similar to Down’s. So, now you may ask, can dogs have special needs? The answer, is ‘Yes’. They might do well with special care. If your vet diagnoses any special conditions in your dog, you might need to take special care of your dog.

You have to schedule visits to the vet on a routine basis. Special dogs often need special care. You might be asked to take special tests for your dog. If your dog has any intellectual delays, you might want to consider enabling a special environment for the dog. The dog should find it easy to move around and not hurt itself. Additionally, you have to ensure to feed your dog properly. The dogs who have special needs have to be fed at the right time, and the right ingredients. Moreover, you have to keep them fit and happy. Give them medicines as prescribed without any deviation.

If you have a special dog to take care of, you need to pull up your socks. Moreover, it may not be easy for few families to take care of such dogs. So, most turn them away to a shelter. If you consider a dog as family, you may want to find out better ways to handle the situation with assistance from all family members. That is because, dogs are man’s best friend.

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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