Kolkata South Dhobikhana: The unknown colonial legacy

They deliver the cleaned and dried clothes by motorbikes and by even hand pulled rickshaws. Even if they provide a quality services still, they are almost half the price of the modern laundry service. The South Dhobikhana of Kolkata, that is a Britisher’s legacy, is still maintaining it’s service quality but with simple and traditional methodologies.

Win Over a Sinister

Life throws a lot of conflicting borderline cases, the day you differentiate yourself from others it becomes easy to hurt people, like the council’s decision towards you or your attack on people. When you see everyone around as yourself, you will love the world for what it is, and nothing can hurt you. I named you Pradeep so that people will get to enjoy your light. Shine brighter son”, said Dhruva gasping with his last amount energy as the blood vessels in his legs started to burst out.