Kolkata South Dhobikhana: The unknown colonial legacy

They deliver the cleaned and dried clothes by motorbikes and by even hand pulled rickshaws. Even if they provide a quality services still, they are almost half the price of the modern laundry service. The South Dhobikhana of Kolkata, that is a Britisher’s legacy, is still maintaining it’s service quality but with simple and traditional methodologies.

Jovial Ghosts of the City of Joy

This article is based on few of the stories of the ghostly spots of the city of joy. It’s up to my dear readers whether they would like to quest these places at your own risk. And nowadays Ghost walks are also happening with much fanfare in the city, interested people may like to book a rendezvous with the city ghosts in one of the holinights.

Kolkata International Film Festival (KIFF) – 25 Years

25 long years! But it seems only the other day! Kolkata International Film Festival has traversed a quarter of a century. Jaded with watching—and sometimes not watching—commercial and run-of-the-mill bioscope throughout the year, desperate film enthusiasts get an opportunity to immerse themselves in a plethora of socially-conscious, aesthetically gratifying films of various styles, moods and genres at the annual carnival of world cinema.