Dancing Around India: Chapter 10 – Kathak - Feature -TCP

Dancing Around India: Chapter 10 – Kathak

After the end of the Colonial rule and the beginning of an independent India, Kathak was once again revived, this time, more broadly. It was an effort to rediscover history and reclaim the lost culture. The movements to revive Kathak had arisen from both the Hindu and Muslim Gharanas or Schools, mostly by the community called Katha-Misra. However, the sub-traditions of Kathak based in Jaipur and Lucknow have gained the most scholarship.

Dancing Around India – One

It’s been 2 years now, after the car accident but Sunetra looked at her shelf full of trophies and murmured to herself- “I still dance like a peacock Guruji, maybe in my dreams, but I still do. And I’m going to re-discover Dance – in its unique original art form, as is experienced in its true home, all over India.”