The Universe and Man: Rules of Interaction - Feature- TCP

Review of “The Universe and Man: Rules of Interaction”

“There is nothing wrong with that. It’s hard when you have no habit, but over time, you’ll surely develop it. Think about the parents: they may be at odds with each other, feel bad, be busy or tired. But for the sake of their child, they forget about all this. If the child feels fine, they feel fine, too. This is how the natural state of harmony is achieved.
You can do the same toward neighbors, partners, and even strangers. Care is all what matters!

Samuel Hahnemann’s Prescription for Health - Feature - TCP

Samuel Hahnemann’s Prescription for Health

Hahnemann’s main foundational work is titled The Organon of the Healing Art. Not all of his contemporaries accepted the new theory. But the number of like-minded people grew. Notable patients, such as the violinist Paganini, the writer Klockenbring, the Duke of Anhalt-Köthen-Pless, began to seek his help.

Trap of Desires - Feature - TCP

Trap of Desires

Let this moment last forever.

The most important one.

Anton felt he literally broke into a sweat. He realized that all his life long, the only thing he did was prove he was the best…
Everything for his own sake.
It’s a dead end.
“You must be a leader,” he remembered. “Oh!” a moan resounded inside him.
The man on the stage tap-danced very rhythmically. It already seemed that he ran out of energy… but again… and once more.