Mystical Diamond : Chapter-5 - Feature - TCP

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-5

He sent his informers across the sea to the kingdoms in the South East of Asia and sought their backing. The preparation went for over six months. The kingdoms from South East of Asia also sent their ships and naval Expertise. Krishnan Raman watched with awe at the expertise and skill of the Emperor. He could not have certainly made such preparations and felt that Mutharaiyar was right in leading the Army. He also felt that he needlessly ended over an argument over the Mystical Diamond. It was after all given to him by Emperor Elangovathiarayan to whom his family will ever remain indebted for life. Mutharaiyar was after all the Emperor and revealing about the Mystical Diamond to him was in public interest only. Krishnan Raman felt that he was being needlessly egoistic. He wholeheartedly participated in the War process. They waited for an opportune time to attack the Sinhala kingdom.

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-4 - Feature - TCP

The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-4

There was a grand feast which was followed by festivities around the Empire. Meanwhile other Southern kingdoms did not dare to challenge the might of the Tanjore Empire and offered to rule under their Empire. The Empire grew as a major trading center across the seas. It’s citizens got wealthier and found pleasure in the things imported from the South East of Asia. The aura of Mutharaiyar kept growing. Various kings from South East of Asia came to Tanjore as guests and paid him and Queen Kundavai due respects. As the young son Kulothunga was to become 5 years in age, Krishnan Raman dreamt of even bigger thing

The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-3

He vowed that he won’t reveal the secrets of the Mystical Diamond and pledged himself for the service of the Empire.
Elangovathiarayan had a lasting advice.
“The secrets of the Diamond must not be revealed unless it is in the interest of the Empire.
A vow broken is like a broken mirror. It cannot be pieced together again. “