Kyūdō : Combat Stories - 13 - Feature- TCP

Kyūdō : Combat Stories – 13

By the beginning of the Meiji era in the late 19th century, all martial art forms in Japan including Kyūdō saw a massive decrease as the Samurai lost its status. Later, with the All-Japan Kyudo Federation, it was brought back to life. New regulations and guidelines were published and it started with new popularity.

Judo : Combat Stories - 09 - Feature - TCP

Judo : Combat Stories – 09

Judo : Combat Stories – 09 -by Ishita Mondal –Reading Time – 4 min Approx Who said a combat asks for weapon only? You can fight with bare hands and beat your opponent easily defending yourself. Yes, there are techniques Read more

Naginatajutsu : Combat Stories - 08 - Feature - TCP

Naginatajutsu : Combat Stories – 08

Nowadays, two types of games with under naginatajutsu are common. One is Shiai-kyōgi and another one is engi-kyōgi. The first one includes individual efforts and team matches. Teams usually have four-five members. On the other hand, engi-kyōgi includes two pairs of opponents. Both of them perform different techniques of the game and try to defeat one another.