Dancing Around India: Chapter 7 – West Bengal Folk Dances
The fourth dance form that the couple talked about is the Raibense Dance, performed mostly by a group of male dancers, which is a representation of the Bratachari tradition of Bengal. It is an ancient dance form that originated in Bengal and is a reminder of the expertise of the Bengalese in the military field. The word ‘Rai’ means kingly and royal and the word ‘Bense’ comes from ‘bansh’ or bamboo. This dance form consists of the men dancing with bamboo sticks and props and imitating fighting and acrobatics so as to display their control over the art. Seeing this dance form will give the audience an idea about the valour of the ancient people of Bengal. The Kanshi and Dhol are the only instruments used in this dance form. The clanging sound of the Kanshi and the rhythmic beat of the Dhol can generate a sense of courage in the heart of the dancers. The costume is a simple dhoti stripped with red clothing that signifies valour. It was modified to its present form by an ICS, Shri Gurusaday Dutta.