Mystical Diamond : Chapter-7 - Feature - TCP

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-7

Fiercely loyal to the Emperor Mutharaiyar, Krishnan Raman summoned his troops and waged a battle with Hiranya. Krishnan Raman’s trusted soldiers and Hiranya’s army drew their weapons and took up battle positions as their soldiers charged in for a bitter and bloody battle. Hiranyas army was bigger and stronger as they were backed by the Sinhala Army. The battle raged on for a week. Each time Krishnan Raman appeared to be winning the battle but Hiranya emerged with much bigger army. The rest of the kingdoms in the South and even some from the North sensed an opportunity to share the loot of the Tanjore Empire. The powerful naval forces of the Tanjore Empire did not participate in the war and remained neutral. There was confusion within the ranks regarding whose orders to follow?

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-6 - Feature - TCP

Mystical Diamond : Chapter – 6

A year passed by.  Valli Mayil gave birth to twins to the joy of Mutharaiyar.  He named them as Hiranya and Hiranmaya.  Kundavai took everything with grace.  She was only worried of her son Kulothunga who was getting wayward.  Hiranya was valorous and equipped with all sorts of training on warfare very much like his father Mutharaiyar.  He was also a good wrestler.  Hiranmaya imbibed all the qualities of his grandfather the Great Emperor Elangovathiarayan.  He listened to the stories of Lord Shiva and the spiritual journeys of Emperor Elangovathiarayan from the veteran Court Poet Bhalanetra

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-4 - Feature - TCP

The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-4

There was a grand feast which was followed by festivities around the Empire. Meanwhile other Southern kingdoms did not dare to challenge the might of the Tanjore Empire and offered to rule under their Empire. The Empire grew as a major trading center across the seas. It’s citizens got wealthier and found pleasure in the things imported from the South East of Asia. The aura of Mutharaiyar kept growing. Various kings from South East of Asia came to Tanjore as guests and paid him and Queen Kundavai due respects. As the young son Kulothunga was to become 5 years in age, Krishnan Raman dreamt of even bigger thing

The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-3

He vowed that he won’t reveal the secrets of the Mystical Diamond and pledged himself for the service of the Empire.
Elangovathiarayan had a lasting advice.
“The secrets of the Diamond must not be revealed unless it is in the interest of the Empire.
A vow broken is like a broken mirror. It cannot be pieced together again. “

The Mystical Diamond : Chapter-1

Mayuri was not amused, “What could be that wonderful story and why do you think that the Diamond does not fit into the story?  I think you are imagining things beyond your domain.” Vihaan laughed and patted her cheeks, “My instincts say that the artisans who were engaged in the creating of the marvels of the temple were not aware of this diamond, it seems to be not a part of their Plans.  It has some connection with the Himalayas and Mount Kailas.  The design of the chamber beneath the boulder is completely different from what lay around the walls of the temple and seemed to have been done by a different person or persons.”