Who Gave The Cell Theory?
You should know about the plant cells first. Plant cells are square or rectangular in shape. They have a cell, cell membrane, and reticulum. You will also come across the bead-like nucleus in a corner of the cell. Lysosomes are rarely present in the plant cells and centrosomes are totally absent. Plant cells contain Golgi apparatus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, plastids, single vacuole, and very few mitochondria. They are autotrophic. Now, let us move on to the animal cells. They are mostly irregular in shape and do not have a cell wall. However, they do have a cell membrane and endoplasmic reticulum. The nucleus is present and lies in the center of the cell. Lysosomes, centrosomes, Golgi apparatus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and multiple vacuoles are present. Cilia is a constant feature of most animal cells. Animal cells contain a large number of mitochondria and follow the heterotrophic mode of nutrition.