The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-4

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-4 - Feature - TCP

The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-4

–by Suresh Iyer

–Reading Time – 10 min Approx

Better slip with foot than tongue.

“I am just waiting for your orders. I will swoop down the Western Deccan and bring the good news to you.”

Krishnan Raman thumped his chest as he said this.

“May you be victorious forever.”

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Image Curtesy: reddit

Emperor Mutharaiyar gave his orders.

In no time Krishnan Raman swooped down the Western Deccan with his Army. With the Mystical Diamond by his side, he was unconquerable. The Elephants went berserk, their. They had the most powerful naval forces by the river and the sea. Their cavalry cut through the supply lines and rained arrows. They were the first to use cannons and fire power which they procured from kingdoms across the sea. The rampaging Elephants, the booming cannons and the incessant attacks from horsemen were such that vast areas of the Western Deccan were reduced to rubble and dust. His aim was to take revenge for the attack by the Kalyani and Vatapi kingdoms during the reign of great Emperor Elangovathiarayan. But the intensity of the attack was such that even the neighbouring small kingdoms fell under his control.

The victorious Army reached back with the Kings and Queens in captivity.
Emperor Mutharaiyar welcomed Krishnan Raman with open arms.

‘I have a happy news to share with you. Kundavai has given birth to a son. ”

Krishnan Raman was delighted and rushed to see the bubbly young child.

Queen Kundavai did not approve of their conquest though.
She called Krishnan Raman as her brother.

“My dear brother, this will be our last conquest. We need not build our Empire on the blood of others. Release the Kings and Queens.”

Krishnan Raman looked at Mutharaiyar.
Mutharaiyar had a hearty laugh.

“As you wish, O Mighty Queen.” He uttered as he embraced his wife.

Krishnan Raman was about to exit as he did not want to disturb their private moment.

“Wait for a moment.”

Mutharaiyar stopped him.

“How can I let you go after this tremendous victory you have given. The Queen has expressed her wish. I want you to have your say.”

Krishnan Raman paused and replied.

“Let the Kings rule on our terms. But our conquests should continue. The kings shall rule under our authority.”

“That’s spoken like a true warrior. I am proud of you my friend.” said Mutharaiyar.

On the insistence of Krishnan Raman an order was issued to all the kingdoms in the South to pledge their loyalty for the Tanjore Empire and pay their taxes if they want to avoid bloodshed.

Kundavai disapproved of it.

“You two are not going to listen anyway. At least let Krishnan Raman name our child as an uncle.”

Krishnan Raman felt happy with her gesture.

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Image Courtesy : Prechers magazine

“I am indebted to your family who has given my father and I so much respect.”

Mutharaiyar hugged him as he got emotional.

A grand naming ceremony was arranged. Krishnan Raman named their son, “Kulothunga”.

There was a grand feast which was followed by festivities around the Empire. Meanwhile other Southern kingdoms did not dare to challenge the might of the Tanjore Empire and offered to rule under their Empire. The Empire grew as a major trading center across the seas. It’s citizens got wealthier and found pleasure in the things imported from the South East of Asia. The aura of Mutharaiyar kept growing. Various kings from South East of Asia came to Tanjore as guests and paid him and Queen Kundavai due respects. As the young son Kulothunga was to become 5 years in age, Krishnan Raman dreamt of even bigger things.

He confided his plans to Mutharaiyar
“We have strong trading ties across the sea. But our ships have to take a longer route due to the Sinhala kingdom across the sea. If we attack them and gain control over them, we can widen our trading base.”

Mutharaiyar was apprehensive.

“The Sinhala kingdom won’t budge. It is not easy to mount an attack across the sea. There will be lot of casualties on our side. We may not gain anything from such adventure.”

Krishnan Raman understood the apprehensions of Mutharaiyar and kept convincing him

After a series of arguments Mutharaiyar finally agreed.

“Ok We will start our preparations. This time I myself will lead the war.”

Krishnan Raman was hesitant.

“No my dear friend! I am enough to lead our army and hand over the Sinhala kingdom to you.  Who can dare to stop me as long as the diamond is with me?”Mystical Diamond : Chapter-4 - Desciptive 2 - TCP

The words slipped out from his tongue.

Mutharaiyar noticed his hesitation.

“What was that you were telling about some Diamond.”

“No nothing. I simply uttered in jest.”
Mutharaiyar was not convinced.

“You are hiding something from me. As a friend I never hid anything from you.”

Krishnan Raman was at loss for words.
Mutharaiyar laughed at him.

“You are not even a good actor. I wonder how you were born in the family of Artists.”

Krishnan Raman did not mind Mutharaiyar taking a dig at him.

The more he tried to hide the more he will give away what he did not intend to say.

“It’s not about hiding anything from you. It’s all about keeping a promise.” he said.

Mutharaiyar egged him on.

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-4 - Desciptive 4 - TCP“Come on! You were talking about a diamond. Are you gifting it to someone special. It’s time you get married.”

Krishnan Raman did not like to talk much and wanted to exit.

Mutharaiyar was just not allowing him to leave.

“Look my friend. I will tell Kundavai if you don’t feel comfortable if it’s about a girl you wish to marry.”

Mutharaiyar was in his elements.

“No! It’s not about getting married. It’s about respecting the sentiments of your father. He has taken a vow from me.”
Krishnan Raman replied.

Mutharaiyar was further intrigued.

“When did my father give something to you.”

“It’s not something. It’s a special diamond. A Maharishi had gifted it to your father during his visit to Mount Kailas.”

Mutharaiyar could not contain his laughter.
“When did you start believing in amulets and God like my father? There is no harm in telling. After all, I am the son of Emperor Elangovathiarayan.”

He stroked his moustache proudly.

“You are right. He said that this Diamond would bring luck to the Empire. I believed in him as it was his last wish not to reveal it.”

Mutharaiyar permitted him to go.
He knew his friend well and decided to know more about the secret in other way.

–by Suresh Iyer

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-4 - Closure - TCP

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Written by 

Suresh M Iyer, born in 20 March 1974 at the cultural city of Dombivli in Maharashtra works for CBI ACB Mumbai. He has a passion for writing short stories and poetry. Winner of Short Stories by the Writers Guild of India, AP. He writes on horror, romance and social drama in various blog sites.

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