How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

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How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

-by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 7 min Approx

–Edited by – Srishti Bhattacharyya

There cannot possibly be anyone who hasn’t been bitten by a mosquito. Some people attract mosquitoes more than others do. Ever wondered why? These are the most feared insects today. Their bites are followed by an itching sensation that can ruin the day of an individual. That is the reason we all keep trying various remedies to ward off mosquitoes.

If you are trying to ward off the most unpopular insect on this planet, it helps to know about their lifecycle. That will answer your question about how long do mosquitoes live. Well, before you get an answer, you should know a few facts about this insect. Only female mosquito bites. Shocked? Your blood allows the mosquito to reproduce. Blood contains the protein which helps in egg development. Mosquitoes are of various types. You will find almost 3,500 different species of mosquitoes on this planet. Male mosquitoes live for 3-5 days, and females live for a maximum of 2 months. Females lay their eggs almost thrice within that period.

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded creatures. That is the reason they love the summer. You will find mosquitoes in temperate zones, hibernating for most of their lives. The scary thing is mosquitoes can cause deadly diseases, an example being Malaria. Almost 300 million people suffer from Malaria throughout the year. The other diseases that mosquitoes cause are Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue, Cholera, and Influenza.How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? - Descriptive 1- TCP

How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

In this context, you should first know about the most common types. The most common types of mosquitoes are Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Culiseta, and Mansonia. Now, let’s come to the lifecycle of a mosquito. After biting you and feeding on your blood, the female lays the eggs. Different species lay their eggs in different ways. Some lay single eggs, some in a scattered manner, and few in stacks. They mostly lay their eggs in stagnant water or moist conditions. The eggs take a week to hatch. After the eggs hatch, the larva is born. They are worm-like creatures that wriggle a lot. These are also known as wrigglers. The wrigglers have a snorkel-like tube that allows them to breathe.

They feed on other microorganisms like fungi and algae. This stage lasts around two weeks. The larvae molt and turn into pupae. They spend about four days in their casing. At this stage they float in the water, only responding to light. They tumble as a response, thus being called tumblers. After coming out of their casings, they reach adulthood. Males hatch earlier than females. The male mosquitoes feed on nectar, they do not bite. This is the answer to do male mosquitoes bite. Swarm mating starts after that. So by the time the adults die, more young ones are waiting to feed on you.

This answers your queries on the life cycle of the mosquitoes, as well as on how long do mosquitoes live. Don’t let their size fool you, they are one of the deadliest creatures on Earth. As we unearth different facts about the mosquito, more questions pop up.

How long do mosquitoes live without blood? The answer is simple. Probably you already know it. Let us clear the air on this as well. Adult male mosquitoes can live their entire life as they feed on nectar. The male mosquitoes’ anatomy is simply made to exist without it. Now, the females are a different case. If an adult female has just fed on blood, then she can live without it for four days. However, females also can feed on nectar and plant juices.

What Do Mosquitoes Eat?

You already know that blood is required for survival and reproduction. Females need the blood meal to stock up on proteins and iron. However, not all species prefer to feed on human beings. Some species feed on birds, animals, and reptiles. Both males and females feed on nectar. That makes them pollinators in nature. They also feed on aphid honeydew and plant juices.

You must know that humans are available in large numbers and are a soft target for mosquitoes, making them love the blood of humans so much. The Tiger mosquito is particularly inclined to drink human blood. But that is its preference. Mosquitoes get attracted to the scent of CO2 emissions. Human beings exhale more CO2 than small rodents. The human body also produces an odor that attracts mosquitoes.How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? - Descriptive 3 - TCP

Where Do Mosquitoes Live?

Different species of mosquitoes prefer different habitats. Some mosquitoes love to stay near humans whereas others stay in the forest, marshlands, and gardens. One common factor is all mosquitoes love water. However, different types of mosquitoes prefer different types of water. There are permanent water mosquitoes and there are flood-water mosquitoes. The former lays their eggs in permanent or semi-permanent water bodies. Some prefer clean water while others prefer dirty water. Some mosquitoes lay their eggs near freshwater ponds and others in marshy swamps. Floodwater mosquitoes lay their eggs in containers containing soil. Some lay eggs above the waterline. The floodwater habitats are swimming pools, agricultural fields, and tree logs. That answers your question about where do mosquitoes live.

Where Do Mosquitoes Hide During the Day?

Mosquitoes are nocturnal animals and sleep during the daytime. They’re active at night, dusk, and dawn. In the daytime, they hide in places that are sheltered from invasion. You may find them behind rocks, weeds, and holes in logs or the ground. If they are residing inside the house they choose dark hidden corners like behind the cupboards, curtains, under the bed, or in the garden.How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? - Descriptive 2 - TCP

Mosquitoes like the Culex tarsalis sleep in closets. In the winter months, mosquitoes prefer to stay in caves, basements, and amongst tree roots. They are cold-blooded and tend to keep themselves warm by absorbing heat. If you look for them in their hideouts, you may find them sticking to the surfaces. Mosquitoes require a warm environment to live in. The time limit for a mosquito to stay alive indoors depends on a few factors. If the environment is conducive, it can stay alive for a long time.

However, homes are not suitable for mosquitoes to stay in for a long time, thanks to the mosquito-repellant sprays. If mosquitoes are subjected to cooler temperatures, they perish. You already know that male mosquitoes feed on nectar and plant juices. But if there are no indoor plants to feed on, they die sooner. This is not always a problem for females as they can always feed on human blood. So now you know that the longevity of mosquitoes depends on several factors. There is no specific answer to this.

How Long Do Mosquito Bites Last?

Mosquito bites itch for 3-4 days. The pinkness and redness also last for the same period. The welling might last for a week though. There are many risk factors connected to mosquito bites. Mosquitoes love victims like men, pregnant women, obese people, type O blood group, and drunk people. Moreover, people who have high uric acid content and lactic acid are favorites as well. Do you know how mosquitoes bite? They land on the skin and bite in with their mouth. The proboscis helps them to suck the blood and leave their saliva inside the skin. It contains proteins that cause an immune reaction in the victim’s body and lead to itchiness.How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? - Descriptive 3 - TCP

Adults develop certain desensitization towards mosquito bites. It is the children that suffer the most. The most common symptoms are soft bumps that become pink, red, and itchy. Redness and puffiness occur as soon as mosquito bites you. As the mosquito bite heals, the redness and puffiness disappear. However, larger mosquitoes cause further harm. The symptoms can spread across a large section of the skin. There may be lesions, hives, and anaphylaxis. You ought to seek medical attention if the symptoms persist. Aggravated symptoms are fever, severe headache, rashes, fatigue, and light sensitivity.

Mosquitoes cause some deadly diseases that can lead to painful conditions if not taken care of. It is thus advisable to keep the surroundings clear. You ought to keep the drains unclogged and the pools clean. Also, empty the unused containers. If you are walking through the woods, wear full-sleeved clothes. You can use citronella and lemongrass fragrances to keep away mosquitoes. If these don’t work, use proper medication, like oral anti-histamines, anti-rash cream, or calamine lotion.

Make sure to take proper care of yourself in areas that are mosquito-prone. More and more mosquito repellants are coming into the market these days. There are plenty of skin creams, mosquito repelling phenyls, and incenses sticks that are available today. Be alert and conscious or it can lead to serious complications. Mosquitoes are on top of the ecosystem and humans are the first target. So, knowing about the life cycle and related facts can prove to be of great help.

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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