The Spiritual Gene
We, humans, have a spiritual capacity. A spark of light. And our task is to develop it. This needs to be worked on. The best way to do it is in alliance with the people.
We, humans, have a spiritual capacity. A spark of light. And our task is to develop it. This needs to be worked on. The best way to do it is in alliance with the people.
The first India Art Conclave (IAC 2023) just concluded in Mumbai at the Bombay Art Society, Bandra West with a 5-day Exhibition of 240 paintings, 12 sculptures and 2 installations from 138 artists coming from 10 states of India from February 18th to 22nd 2023. The event also included 4 seminars and 1 live painting session.
SHOWSTOPPERZZ Episode – 1 –by Alakananda Pramanik –Reading Time 14 min Approx Showstopperzz – Introduction: Filmmaker and Founder of Cinema for a Cause, Mr. Abhishek Ganguli has come together with Supermom Author & Master Storyteller Alakananda Pramanik to present Web Read more
The art and aesthetics of Papia Ghoshal, the feisty creator of canvasses that go beyond mere prettification, deserve a detailed analysis. Her paintings have an eclectic quality, particularly in terms of form, combining mythological motifs with folk forms and rustic landscapes.
Akorik – The film that revisits Family Structures and its various aspects — By Dipayan Banerjee — Reading time – 5 min (Approx) The world is soon to witness an interesting Bengali Film – Akorik – on the family structures Read more
The discursive pattern recurs in the dialogue sequences between Outram and Weston (played by Tom Alter) wherein it is not just the background of Wajid Ali Shah that is being revealed but, more, the attitudes of the two officers. Outram is fond of Weston who has a remarkable command over the Hindustani language (Urdu) but warns him, all the same, that any admiration he may have for Wajid Ali Shah may, in the long run prove to be detrimental to his prospects of a promotion in the British army.
And when the scar is a distant memory
I crawl back to your bed
And, the most important Himalayan River system, includes the Indus River system, Ganga, Yamuna, and Brahmaputra. The rivers originate from the Himalayan Glaciers. But the Peninsular Rivers are fed by rainfall, and may dry up in the summer months.
The second officer had a direct control over Fort William and also headed the British East India Company in India. In the year 1833, the British Crown gave complete power to the Title holder. Thus, in 1858, India came under direct control of the British Monarch. The Title holder, Governor General of India had direct control over the provinces that were under British control. The provinces that were under British control are Punjab, Bengal, Bombay, Madras, and United Provinces.
Let us find out in detail about each of the Four Pillars of Democracy. The Legislature is the assembly, that makes the laws for political entities like a country or a city. The legislature enacts laws that are called the primary legislation. It can also control the budgeting functions. The members of the legislature are called legislators. The common people do not elect them. They are mostly elected indirectly.