Calories in Mashed Potatoes

Calories in Mashed Potatoes - Feature - TCP

Calories in Mashed Potatoes

-by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 7 min Approx

We are talking about mashed potatoes today. Most of you love it as comfort food. It is often added as a side dish to other delicacies. If you have roughly mashed it, it is called smashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are used as an ingredient in various food preparations. Probably, you have heard of Gnocchi. A variety of spices and condiments goes into it. Additionally, butter, milk, cream, salt and pepper go into it, too. Some of you might add herbs as well. The French use egg yolks as well, in their mashed potatoes. So, that’s quite a handful. But have you wondered about the calories in mashed potatoes?Calories in Mashed Potatoes - Descriptive 1- TCP

About 100 gms of mashed potatoes have 98 calories. So, now you know the calories in mashed potatoes. It contains other nutrients as well. They are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. Most Americans consider mashed potatoes as comfort food. Indians love them too. However, if you mix mashed potatoes with milk, butter, yolks and other ingredients, it increases the fat content. Moreover, it gives rise to various diseases in the body. Most people associate potatoes with phytonutrients, since they are too good to resist. The phytonutrients that you will find in potatoes are flavonoids, carotenoids and caffeic acid. They also contain Vitamin C. Moreover, they help in various body functions like prevention and repair of cell damage.

Purple potatoes are a lot better than white potatoes. They are said to contain more phytonutrients and antioxidants. If you eat around six to eight of them daily, you may get some relief from heart-related ailments. Moreover, it does not affect overweight people. Read on to know more about calories in mashed potatoes and their combinations.

Calories In Mashed Potatoes with Milk:

You will find 106 calories in 100 gm of mashed potatoes with milk. Potatoes are nutritious and so is milk. So, do you think, you should have more of it? They are irreplaceable on certain occasions. Thanksgiving is one of them. Therefore, you should know about some of the best ways to make mashed potatoes. Ensure to use the right potatoes. There are three types of potatoes. You will find waxy, starchy and the all-purpose variety in your neighborhood departmental store. You ought to use the starchy ones for a creamy mash dish. Cut your potatoes in the same size so that they get cooked at the same time.Calories in Mashed Potatoes - Descriptive 3 - TCP

You ought to make a mixture of the milk along with garlic and herbs finely chopped and mixed with the mashed potatoes. If you are late, the pieces may just get stuck inside the mouth. You may not like it. Let them get tender before you grab your bowl of mashed potatoes with milk. Do you like your mashed potatoes solid? Not really! You should concentrate more on the fluffiness. There are many things you can do to make your potatoes fluffy. Drain the water from the potatoes after they are done. Then, put them back in the pot to simmer for some more time. Cook them for a few minutes more, without burning them.

Additionally, you should ensure to add hot milk to your mashed potatoes. This helps in better absorption. Add salt to the boiling water, not after its done. Moreover, you should use a potato masher to mash the potatoes. Stay away from the food processor. So, you already know about the calories in mashed potatoes with milk. Additionally, you have learned about some tips to make your potatoes fluffy and smooth.

Let us move on to find some of the nutritional facts and the calories in mashed potatoes with butter.

How Many Calories in Mashed Potatoes with Butter?

So, now we come to the answer to the question ‘how many calories in mashed potatoes with butter?’ There are around 237 calories in a cup of mashed potatoes with butter. Do you think it is high? If you are making mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving, they need to be loaded with butter. These creamy combinations can derail your fitness plan as believed by fitness experts. However, you can make the effects less profound by using low-calorie ingredients. No, you do not have to compromise on the taste component. You can also add buttermilk to the mixture for some tang.Calories in Mashed Potatoes - Descriptive 2 - TCP

You can gain weight by eating mashed potatoes with butter. The butter makes the starchy texture richer. They taste yummy too. So, you can prepare it. Moreover, some people use salt, while others skip it. Have you ever tried to make mashed potatoes with butter? Well, you should give it a try. It is not a huge task. Preparation time is just 15 minutes. Moreover, you can cook it in just 20 minutes. Now, that is fast.

Get some salt-boiled potatoes, peel them and mash them. In a small pan, you need to take some milk and butter. Heat it over a low flame. Slowly pour the mixture into the potatoes and further mix it with a masher. You need to ensure that it is smooth and creamy. Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Additionally, you can also try other recipes. The calories in mashed potatoes with butter and milk can be as high as 237 calories. If you want to go slow on the calories, use skimmed milk. However, if you want that delectable taste of fat, go ahead with full-fat milk.

The carbs in mashed potatoes with milk and butter is around 35.3 gm in a cupful. Now, there is some good news for you. Potatoes are considered good carbs. If you are physically fit, then take carbs. They can provide you a lot of energy in the form of glucose. Apart from being high in starch, potatoes also have fiber. Secondly, potatoes are low in calories. They are nutrient-rich as well. However, the only issue that arises is the GI. Some potatoes have high GI or glycemic index. If you are diabetic, you must stay away from potatoes. Calories in mashed potatoes with butter and milk need not frighten those who are not diabetic.

Have You Tried Mashed Potatoes with Gravy?

Now, here is another variation of your comfort food. We are talking about mashed potatoes and gravy. Do you want to know about the calories? The calories in mashed potatoes with gravy is 267 calories for a cup. If you love chicken, you can use the mashed potatoes and gravy as a side dish. Are you wondering, what ingredients go into the gravy? Read on to know about it here. Beef broth or chicken broth is one of the primary ingredients. Add butter, oil, flour, salt, black pepper and cream to the mixture.

You can prepare the gravy at home by boiling beef chunks or chicken pieces. Additionally, you can add some salt, pepper, ginger, garlic, any chopped vegetables to flavor the broth. Heat oil and butter in a pan. Add some flour to it. Wait till the color changes to light brown. Gradually add the flavored broth. Let it simmer, while you constantly stir the gravy. Turn off the heat after it is ready. You can even add some cream, for a creamy gravy.

The boiled potato calories are around 66 calories with skin. You can go ahead and add this wonderful gravy to it and feel the difference. Lastly, serve the potatoes topped with the gravy. It is simply yummy. We cannot use any other adjective. So, you thought that this is it? No, you are wrong. There are several varieties of mashed potatoes recipes. It does increase the calories.Calories in Mashed Potatoes - Descriptive 4 - TCP

Guide to Different Kinds of Mashed Potatoes:

Now, that you know that 100 gms of mashed potatoes have 98 calories. You can make some variations. It is quite low in calories, so why not? The first one that we are going to talk about is Bacon and Cheese Mashed Potatoes. Fry some bacon in the microwave and snip them into strips. Add some grated cheese and milk. Before serving, you can sprinkle some on top of the mashed potatoes. Cream-cheese mashed potatoes are another option. Sauté some finely chopped garlic cloves and add it to the beaten milk and butter mix. You must ensure to use copious amounts of butter. It is not called comfort food for nothing.

Do you love buttermilk? Well, Buttermilk mashed potatoes are another variation. Buttermilk, butter and potatoes are a great combination. Some of the other combinations include onion-mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes with chives, mashed potatoes with green onions and cheddar mashed potatoes. If you want to enjoy the goodness of potatoes, try these recipes. This cheap vegetable is a great option for any home.

Potatoes are ruling hearts. It is always a welcome addition to the dinner table. This is one versatile vegetable that will go well with all kinds of dishes. You will often find chops served with mashed potatoes. It is a great accompaniment to any non-vegetarian meal. So, without any more delay you should try the various recipes. Moreover, they also provide potassium to your body. It can also boost your Vitamin B6 intake. It can help to keep your immune system strong. Make healthier mashed potatoes using non-fat milk to reduce the fat content. Flavor your mashed potatoes with any fancy ingredient that you love. Mushrooms and bell peppers are also quite an exciting combination.

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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