The Spiritual Gene
We, humans, have a spiritual capacity. A spark of light. And our task is to develop it. This needs to be worked on. The best way to do it is in alliance with the people.
cultural-fusion, social-innovation, heritage, society-art
We, humans, have a spiritual capacity. A spark of light. And our task is to develop it. This needs to be worked on. The best way to do it is in alliance with the people.
And, the most important Himalayan River system, includes the Indus River system, Ganga, Yamuna, and Brahmaputra. The rivers originate from the Himalayan Glaciers. But the Peninsular Rivers are fed by rainfall, and may dry up in the summer months.
The iguanas need specific light and temperature settings. Moreover, they also need complex enclosures. You have to put in plenty of perches and swings for them. They require a long time, to socialize with humans. And, they also show aggression during the mating season. They also need both hot and cold settings inside the enclosure, to thermoregulate. You have to lay out substrates inside the enclosure as well. The baby iguanas often feed on these substrates. Paper towels are a great choice. If there are adults inside the enclosure, you can spread Cypress mulch, coconut fiber bedding, and organic topsoil as substrate. You should also add live plants inside the area.
Unintentional weight gain is one of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s Flare up. This often occurs, when you are not putting any effort yourself to gain weight. Hypothyroidism due to the above, can also cause a flare up. Moreover, hormones are at play in such situations. You will be amazed to know, that more than half of the people, who suffer from hypothyroidism, gain weight. Almost 5% of the world’s people suffer from Hashimoto’s disease. Apart from the above disease, there could be other reasons as well. Furthermore, cancer treatment like radiation and chemotherapy may be responsible.
So, yes, that takes you again to various other special needs as well. Can dogs have special needs? Yes, they can have. However, it is an umbrella term, used for various diseases. It is much easier to pinpoint the dysfunctional behavior in dogs. Doctors may find it difficult to diagnose any particular disease like Autism, but can tell if the dog is suffering from dysfunction. There is no broad spectrum, to base your research on. Dogs basically demonstrate compulsive and repetitive behavior. They are also socially-impair
You already know about the highest dam in India, which is Tehri Dam. Now, you should also find out about some of the other major dams in India. The biggest dam in Karnataka is Tungabhadra Dam. It is amongst the major dams in India, and is also important function-wise. It is a multi-purpose dam, which is a huge attraction in Hospet. Many tourists skip temples, beaches, hills, and forests, to enjoy the beauty of dams. Moreover, this is an off-beat travel option for many. The big gates, and the gushing water offer surreal views of the place. The dam has almost 33 gates, and it provides water for irrigation, drinking water for the population residing near the southern states, and also hydroelectric power.
You can find such happenings mostly in spring. At that time, the male birds are establishing their territories. If they see any windowpane, they find their reflections over there. And thus, they think that their rival wants to take hold of their territory. Considering this, they hit the window revolving around it again and again. From mockingbirds, robins to other different species-all are used to such happenings.
You will know about some amazing facts about your hair. It grows about half an inch every month. That means that your hair grows about 6 inches every year. You need to understand that every person’s hair does not grow at the same speed. It
India is a country, where politics of all kinds play a huge role. Unions strike often and delay the production of cotton textiles. The Indian Cotton industry is facing stiff competition from power loom industries and synthetic fibers. This further adds to the dismay. Thus, imports are resorted to. Decentralization is another problem that has impacted cotton fiber production in India. The government is doing all it can, by giving concessions to the Cotton mills. The mills owners also get several privileges. There is a lack of foreign investment due to the above issue.
The flow of the Kunchikal fall has been affected due to the post construction of a dam. Also, an underground power generation station near the Hulikal resulted in changes of force in the fall. So, one needs to get a special gate pass to enter, which can be issued at Hosangadi village (about 15km away).