Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family

Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family - Feature - TCP

Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family

— by Ishita Mondal

— Reading Time – 17 min Approx

“Turn off the TV now, Rahul. It’s already 6.30 PM. You have been watching for more than two hours without a break,” Mrs. Dutta shouted from the kitchen.

“Please, Maa! Can you please stop being cranky all the time? Let me watch some more shows!” the boy replied.

Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family - Descriptive 1- TCPWell, this is an everyday story in the Dutta family household. Rahul, the only son of them, is becoming disobedient and stubborn day by day. Unfortunately, it is the case of many of the households in this 21st century.

Even though children become smarter, self-sufficient, and self-reflective in a nuclear family, there are some serious disadvantages of a nuclear family too. Due to the alarming cons of a nuclear family, heated arguments, clashes, and a depressing lifestyle are becoming common. You can see in the story mentioned above how the mother-son duo in a nuclear household got indulged in arguments. So, let’s dive more into this to get some essential insights.

The 21st century is about protecting an individual’s rights. In this case, a nuclear family helps to inculcate the lessons of self-reliance into an individual. You can often see a trinity or quartet of mother-father-children around you. The concept of a nuclear family has been rooted quite profoundly in present-day society. With this, gradually, the lifestyle and societal behavior also took a new turn. So, as it has become a significant factor in the 21st century, we must have a clear idea about it before discussing its disadvantages.

Let’s proceed with the definition. Further, we will go on with the other severe factors like the disadvantages of a nuclear family and more.

A Nuclear Family – The Definition:                                     

Though the traditional cultures in many parts of the world are known for their large extended family, the concept of a small nuclear family is more popular nowadays. Nuclear families can be defined in various ways. Some signify that a nuclear family includes a married couple living with one or more biological children. In other definitions, the adopted or half-blood children are also included. As per many sociologists, a nuclear family may consist of step-parents as well.

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Image Courtesy: TOI

Briefly, a nuclear family, also known as elementary family or conjugal family, is a family that includes a legally married couple with one or more than one child.

Well, in the European tradition, it was nothing new. The children prefer to move to their own settlement once they are adult and self-sufficient enough. However, in Indian tradition, the scenario is a bit different. Usually, a nuclear set up in India is formed by the children after their parents’ demise or when they are about to settle somewhere else due to some reason. The reasons may include job location, education purposes, some negative reasons like dispute inside the family, property negotiation issues, etc.

As the researchers say, nuclear families had become a common arrangement in the societies of England by the time of the 13th century. When in Asian or Middle-Eastern countries, the young adults used to stay at home with the elder ones; in England, the household structure was different. Instead of living together, the generations over there preferred to remain independently in different house set-ups.

The Major Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family:

As we mentioned earlier, the nuclear family setup has several disadvantages, which left us to think about the justification of embracing it. Here, find the disadvantages discussed below:

Isolation from Extended Family Relations:

A nuclear family setup strengthens the bond among the direct relationships like parents and children. But, it moves people away from other relatives or extended family members. The specific attention towards one’s own spouse or children often leads to social isolation. Experts affirm that a quality life needs the warmth and love of elders like grandparents, uncles, aunts, and so on.

Poor Support System:

When it comes to a moment of crisis, a nuclear family may feel restless. Think of a sudden, unprecedented turmoil; you may get easily startled by those things! As the nuclear family members do not often contact other family members at that moment, it is tough for them to manage everything independently, things get tougher especially when both the parents are working. To get the necessary assistance and care, a large family, therefore, is essential.

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Image Courtesy : First Cry Parenting

Narrow Selfcentered Attitude:

Sharing is caring! The proverb is very much relevant when we are discussing this major disadvantage of a nuclear family. One of the primary characteristics of a nuclear family is seeking personal benefits and happiness. Therefore, it is good to take care of your own soul. But, when this leads to embracing a selfish attitude ignoring others’ interests, problems can arise. Mostly, nuclear families tend to grow such selfish attitudes. As the children do not have to share their lives and belongings with fellow children like cousins, they do not understand the value of empathy and cooperation. Though exceptions are always there, it is evident that such a small family leads to the degradation of the values among the children.


It would not be exaggerated if we say the 21st century is the age of depression. Anxiety, stress, depression, and many other uncountable mental illnesses are our constant companions. The competitive lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, and fragile relationships are the major reasons behind this massive mental unrest among people worldwide. Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family - Descriptive 5- TCP Loneliness due to the nuclear family structure is another strong reason for unstable mental conditions. A nuclear family does not contain the same-minded people often. For example, a wife cannot discuss all her stories with her spouse or offspring. On the other hand, in a joint family, she can continue with other women present there. Similarly, the children feel lonely and bored in a nuclear family as they do not find their age companions.

Insecurity for Older people:

You can live alone when you are strong and young enough. But old age asks for comfort and companionship for the people. So, this may be a problem for the members of a nuclear family. They often do not get a calm and secure life at the ending chapters of their lives. As one of the disadvantages of a nuclear family, it often disturbs the minds of those people. And in old age, even after gaining so many experiences in life, they behave frantically.

Insecurities among the children:

In most nuclear families, two types of cases are seen. One is a case where both of the parents are working. In another case, the homemaker mother and the father struggle to perform all of their tasks. In both of the cases, the children may feel ignored. As both parents do not have time to spend with their children, the sensitive minds of the little ones get disturbed. They may start feeling left out. And it is not surprising if any of them get indulged in wrong activities to pass the time.

Despite the Disadvantages of a Nuclear Family why are people going for it:  

As the days are passing, many couples are embracing the nuclear family structures in both rural and urban areas in Eastern and Western countries. But why? Many psychologists, sociologists, and family counsellors suggest living in a large family set up to enjoy a better lifestyle. But the suggestions often go in vain. Every day you can see new set-ups of nuclear families around you. What are the reasons behind this? As we have already discussed the large-scale disadvantages of a nuclear family, we should also ponder why people choose such alienated set-ups. Only then may we solve the multi-layered agony due to alienated family structures.

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Image Courtesy: children’s health

Firstly, it lessens the disputes coming out of generation gaps. Naturally, the 60-70 years old parents and their 30-40 years old children may not agree with all of the viewpoints. Due to the differences, hassles often occur, followed by disputes and cracks in the relationships. Also, the busy lifestyle of today’s world does not leave places for conflicts that make people mentally tired. So, people choose peaceful life over maintaining traditional heritage.

Secondly, it teaches self-reliance. When a child grows in a nuclear family, it learns to be self-dependent for different tasks. As a result, they get a chance to make mistakes and rectify them on their own. Moreover, they know how to deal with problems and solve them without taking others’ help. So, they get matured enough to take care of themselves at an early age.

Thirdly, financial management is comparatively more accessible in a nuclear family than in a large family with too many people. In a small family, one can calculate the earnings and expenses well. Therefore, it leads to less mental stress and a content life.

Fourthly, a nuclear setup offers a comfortable and free living for everyone in the family-the children and the parents. On the other hand, you may not get abundant space and privacy for yourself in a multi-generational family. So, this is also one of the reasons for opting for a small family.

Your Choice – Your Happiness:

So, considering the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear family, we can conclude that we may not be able to keep holding our traditional nostalgia of an extended family in this era of globalization. Despite many of its disadvantages, a nuclear family is probably inevitable. But, to enhance the quality of living, we can think about some considerations while going for an independent parent-children family structure.

Keep at least your old parents with you. If it is not possible, take a tour to the place regularly where they live with your spouse and children. It is better if you can go in every weekend. For a long-distance home, take a week’s holiday every one month or two and go there. Thus, life becomes more beautiful, avoiding the disadvantages of a nuclear family.

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Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Invite other family members to your home to spend few days there. In this way, the children will learn to share, and their mood will be uplifted. In addition, the sense of co-operation and mutual support will grow among the family members.

Also, you can occasionally visit distant relatives’ houses as well. It helps to grow social connections among people. If one practices this, the children will have fewer chances of being unsocial despite living in a nuclear family. On the contrary, getting involved in each other’s good and odd moments grows a sense of care and happiness. As a result, life tends to be easier to live.

These are only a few tips with which you can overcome the disadvantages of a nuclear family and live a happy and content life with your loved ones.

— by Ishita Mondal

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Ishita Mondal, from Durgapur, West Bengal has pursued her master's degree in English from Banaras Hindu University. Currently, she works as a professional writer who is passionate about writing on digital marketing, content writing, spirituality, self-development, and health & fitness. She loves to explore many other diverse niches through her writing.

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