Egg is Veg or Non-Veg?

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Egg is Veg or Non-Veg?

-by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 7 min Approx

Is Egg Veg or Non-Veg? This is one question, that has caused furor everywhere. It is especially more evident in India. There are communities in India, that do not eat eggs or any animal produce either. Jains are strict vegetarians. Then, you will come across vegans, who do not touch any animal produce like eggs, milk or honey. Eggs are quite popular as a breakfast food around the world. Moreover, bodybuilders are strictly into eggetarian diets for proteins. However, there is a debate over this popular food choice. Eggs are obtained from chicken, just like caviar is obtained from fish.Egg is Veg or Non-Veg? - Descriptive 1- TCP

Scientists have managed to put an end to this debate. The answer, that most scientists have given is that eggs are vegetarian. The scientists have said that eggs contain three parts. They are the egg yolk, eggshell and egg white. The egg whites contain proteins and egg yolk. The egg yolk is made up of proteins, cholesterol and fat. Moreover, the eggs that everybody consume do not have embryos. That means, these have not developed enough to reach a stage, when you will be consuming an animal or a bird. You should understand the process in which the hen lays eggs.

When the hen is at least 6 months old, it lays eggs each day. It is not necessary for the hen to mate before laying eggs. Thus, the eggs are unfertilized. So, the eggs which everybody buys from the market are unfertilized. You will also hear some debates in Jain circles. The Jains argue that eggs have life. However, in that case, grains and vegetables also have life. Plants are also living things. Don’t you think so? Thus, you have received a satisfactory answer to your question – Egg Is Veg or Non-Veg?

More Discussions – Egg Is Veg or Non-Veg?

There is some more debate on this. You can go on and on with the debate on ‘Egg Is Veg or Non-Veg?’ Eggs are not technically animal flesh. Moreover, many vegetarians eat eggs. You must have heard of the term ‘Ovo-vegetarian’. It means, an individual abstaining from cow meat, chicken or fish eats eggs. So, you can hear westerners arguing that eggs are vegetarian, while Eastern people say that they are non-veg.

Eggs are not dead animals, to be exact. You do not have to kill hens to obtain eggs. They lay them and you have them. However, if you still have concerns, you can go for alternatives. There are vegan food choices aplenty today. If you are worried about protein-intake, then you can eat other meals as well. There are protein rich vegetarian food choices like cottage cheese, tofu and soya beans. These are excellent sources of proteins.

Vegetarian Eggs vs Regular Eggs:

Now, this is another interesting juncture that we have arrived at. This Vegetarian Eggs vs Regular Eggs topic is another point of discussion. So, now you should also know about the various types of eggs. Let us find out more facts on this.

  • Cage-free eggs – are eggs which birds lay outside cages. Such birds do not live inside cages. Moreover, they roam free. They do depend for food on the farm. However, the breeders and farm owners keep them in natural and homely surroundings.
  • Free-range eggs – These hens can freely walk out of the cages.Egg is Veg or Non-Veg? - Descriptive 2 - TCP
  • Organic eggs – These are eggs that are laid by hens that feed on organic food. Moreover, they do not receive any kind of antibiotics or vaccines. Secondly, the hen must feed on organic grains approved by the USDA organic certification, to qualify as organic.
  • Vegetarian eggs – Hens that are vegetarian lay vegetarian eggs. They are mainly kept inside cages.
  • Pasteurized eggs – it is a process that eggs are subjected to. The process heats the eggs to kill bacteria. However, the process does not cook the eggs. The young, sick and the elderly are recommended such eggs. It reduces the risk of getting few infections.
  • Regular eggs – come from hens that peck on everything including worms and dirt.

Many people will tell you about vegan eggs. They mainly use algae protein or flour. Once, you scramble it, it resembles real scrambled eggs. Moreover, you get your daily dose of proteins. The algal flour has copious amounts of amino acids. Vegan eggs are quite healthy. They have minimum cholesterol. However, they are high in sodium. So, now you know about the different kinds of eggs.

Chicken is Veg or Non-Veg?

Going by recent debates in political circles, many people are asking this question – Chicken is Veg or Non-Veg? Now, you can see this from various angles. A chicken is no doubt a non-vegetarian food. It is a living thing. However, are they vegetarian? Now, that needs to be answered. Chickens are not vegetarian. They are omnivorous. Thus, it means that they eat both vegetarian food and non-vegetarian food. Some poultry farm owners claim that their chickens are vegetarian. Thereby, making the eggs vegetarian as well. You must have come across other Omnivores. Human beings are omnivores. So are foxes, dogs, pigs, bears and mice. If you have a farm and leave your chickens to feed on grasses, weeds, flowers and herbs, they will happily oblige. However, you cannot stop them from nibbling at other living animals and insects. They include bugs, worms, larvae, spiders and small rodents.Egg is Veg or Non-Veg? - Descriptive 4 - TCP

There is a point that you need to note here. Chickens are lactose-intolerant. That means, they do not tolerate milk well. Now, you have an answer to your queries. However, that brings us to more questions. Why do some vegetarians eat fish? Is fish a veg or non-veg? Let us find out more about these.

So, many vegetarians eat fish. That makes you inquisitive. Vegetarians do not eat the meat of other animals. Additionally, you will come across lacto-ovo-vegetarians. They eat milk, eggs and cheese. However, they do not eat fish. If you find a vegetarian eating fish, you must address him as a ‘Pescatarian’. Moreover, Pescatarians may include fish in their diet for various reasons. Most of them will tell you that its due to health reasons. Fish and seafood are rich in proteins, minerals, zinc and vitamin B12. These are vital for your immune system and muscles. Fish like Salmon, Herring and Sardines are great for your health. Are you wondering what a pescatarian eats? A pescatarian eats whole grains, pulses, nuts, butters, fruits, butters, vegetables, fish and seafood. They do not eat meats of any kind. So, this is something new that you have learned today. Thus, you got the reply to your question – Is fish veg or non-veg?

Is Milk a Veg or Non-Veg Dish?

Milk is a very important food in our diet. And why not? It is loaded with minerals, proteins and vitamins. Some people love milk a lot and well, some hate it. No matter what your feelings are about this, you must have tasted it. There are a few spray-dried formulas available as well.

Milk is vegetarian. You do not have to kill the animal to get its milk. That answers your question. Moreover, milk does not carry any body cells. Thus, it is non-living. For a certain section of the society, milk is sacred. Thus, it brings us to understand that milk is indeed valuable for us. However, you need to see both sides of the coin. Many people have said that milk is non-vegetarian. How? Scientists say that milk has a molecular structure like that of animals. That makes it non-vegetarian. Milk also contains animal fat. So, when you are consuming milk, you are consuming that fat as well. Secondly, it contains the nine amino acids, so typical of animals. Sometimes, laboratories have reported the presence of blood cells in milk. So, does milk remain vegetarian anymore? No, not really.

When we are already discussing whether it is vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Let us also find out about veganism. Is milk vegan? Can vegans consume it? Milk is not vegan. Veganism is a practice, wherein the incumbent does not induce any animal produce. They do not eat meat, poultry, milk or any animal produce. Moreover, they don’t even have honey. Vegans stay away from any animal-derived components. Gelatin is also something they avoid. You will find this in custards, cakes and some jams. It gives that jelly-like feel to the product. Therefore, you have got your answer to ‘Is Milk a Veg or Non-Veg Dish’? Additionally, you also know that it is not vegan. Vegans can have soya milk. It is a great source of proteins.

There are so many food products that we perceive as vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian today. However, sometimes our perception turns out to be wrong. Moreover, different communities have different outlooks. You cannot change the outlook of a certain community forcefully. Moreover, traditions are very important when it comes to eating habits. And that makes our lives wholesome and fulfilling. No matter what you choose, always ensure to take a generous dose of food stuffs that are nutritious.

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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