How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow?

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How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow?

by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 7 min Approx

Many people have asked this question before. ‘How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow?Well, most women are concerned about their hair. You should be happy to know that all humans are born with a huge number of hair follicles. The head has around 100,000 follicles. As you age, some of the follicles close. That is the reason why the hair does not grow on certain spots. Moreover, it often leads to thinning hair and bald patches.How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow? - Descriptive 1- TCP

You will know about some amazing facts about your hair. It grows about half an inch every month. That means that your hair grows about 6 inches every year. You need to understand that every person’s hair does not grow at the same speed. It depends on several factors, they are age, hair type, health conditions, medications, stress levels and hormonal activity inside the body. The cells of the body are responsible for controlling hair growth.  So, now you have received an answer to your questions ‘How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow?’ However, that is not all. You can also take control of your hair growth.

Hair is an important accessory that defines the face. That is the reason why, it is a point of concern for all. It is evidently so for women. Men do not fret that much on losing hair. However, women can go to any extent to keep the mane on their heads healthy and shining. That is the reason why the retail market is abuzz with activity.

More Insights – How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow?

Now, that you know how much your hair grows every month. You should also be inquisitive about the phases. You should read about the different phases of hair growth now. Hair grows in three stages. The names of the stages are Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Anagen is the most active hair growth stage and it lasts for 2-8 years. In the catagen phase, hair stops growing. It lasts for 4-6 weeks. In the last stage, i.e., Telogen, the hair falls out. It is the resting stage. Moreover, it lasts 2-3 months. Most of the scalp has hair in Anagen phase. About 10% of hairs are in Telogen phase. So, now you can account for those hair fallouts that happen daily.How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow? - Descriptive 2 - TCP

Many people are inquisitive and want to know if you can stretch the Anagen phase. It depends on the length of the existing hair. If your cells near the follicular base have active cells, then there is a possibility. When matrix cells shed some of their structure and reach the upper side of the follicle, the hair grows. The shreds of the structure combine with keratin to form the hair. Triggers for the anagen phase are still undergoing research. You have probably got a satisfactory answer to your question ‘How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow?’

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back After Bad Haircut?

No matter if you have had a haircut or not, your hair grows at approximately the same rate. It is 0.5 inches a month. However, you can definitely do your bit. Additionally, you can improve your diet to improve the quality of your hair. Keratin is the main component of the hair. Various supplements are available in the market and they impact hair growth. You can try some of the supplements like Biotin to improve the condition of your hair.

You must increase your intake of proteins and vitamins to improve your hair quality. You can regrow hair by taking a healthy diet. Moreover, you can grow healthy hair. The length is something that is in nobody’s hands. It is believed that the intake of pumpkin seeds can control hair fall. You can also try out some oils to improve the quality of hair. They are Castor oil, Jojoba oil and Coconut oil to name a few. Certain products in the market are effective in inducing hair growth. They are Minoxidil, Melatonin and Ketoconazole. Protein intake protects hair from both pollution and chemical damage. Now, you know how long does it take for hair to grow back?

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Men?

Why should only women flaunt their hair? Men should get an opportunity as well. You already know the hair growth rate per month. How misleading are those advertisements, promising to speed up the growth process? You men out there, should aim to have a great diet to improve your chances of growing the mane. There are several factors at play when it comes to hair growth. Genetics, diet, age, hair type, stress levels and medical conditions also matter.How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow? - Descriptive 4 - TCP

Men can do just about the same things to grow their hair. It includes getting plenty of sleep. The body repairs itself while you sleep. So, you should not neglect that part. Growth hormones speed up activity during sleep and contributes to a healthy hair growth. Men supposedly are more stressed out. However, getting rid of stress is one of the best ways to promote hair growth. Some of the healthy ways you can do it are through regular exercise, yoga, meditation, listening to music and pursuing hobbies.

Today, men are more eager to grow their hair, like women. They try out various styles like braids, ponytails and cornrows. So, the hair is hurt a lot during all this activity. Avoiding all this is not possible. But men can still control the amount of hair fall. Smoking leads to hair loss issues. It actually damages the hair follicles. Thus, leading to imbalance in hair growth. A scalp massage may be something that you need. It is said to stimulate the hair follicles. A healthy diet comprising lots of vitamins and minerals, is the way to go for you.

Men can try various supplements like Biotin. Additionally, the right haircare products can prolong the life of existing hair. Male pattern baldness may arise due to several environmental and hereditary factors. There are oral medications to the rescue. So, men can try them out but after doctor consultation. Thus, you now know how long does it take for hair to grow men.

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back After Shaving Legs?

Shaving your hair leads to faster hair growth. This may be a myth, after all. Hair grows from follicles. So, when you shave the hair, the razor glides on the surface of the skin. You should be assured that hair growth mainly depends on genetics and a few other internal factors.

You may notice that hair grows faster in some areas due to hair growth cycles. Just like the hair on the scalp, the same thing happens to the hair on the body. The hair on arms and legs has a cycle of 45 days. Thus, body hair does not grow as fast as the hair on your head. Here are a few shaving tips that can do some good for your body hair. Be mindful of the water temperature, when shaving your body hair. Do not use hot water, as it tends to make the skin swell. Thus, you cannot have the closest shave possible.How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow? - Descriptive 5 - TCP

The timing that you decide for shaving is equally important. Early evening, after a laid-out day may be good. If you shave after prolonged standing, the same thing happens as using hot water. The skin swells. Thus, you are unable to shave closely. You should also take care to shave in the right direction. It saves the skin from irritation. While shaving your legs and hands, you must shave in the upward direction. For armpit hair, you can do it in any direction. Always remember to rinse the blades while shaving. It clears the clogs. Dead skin and cells often gather inside the blades.

If you are tired of shaving, you can try out waxing. The entire world does it. So, why not you? Your skin will feel smooth as butter, after you get them waxed. More and more people are turning to laser. You can try it out. However, you will not be able to get rid of the hair in one go. Laser works on hair in various stages. So, you have to take a number of sittings. That is how it works. Moreover, if you are shaving you must do it properly. It can save you from getting rashes. You can avoid the dryness and discomfort as well through proper shaving. Do not share your razor with others. It may lead to skin diseases. So, that is another important pointer here. Get the most out of your shaving sojourn.

You have learned so many things about hair today. Thus, hair is the crowning glory for most humans. It is particularly more important for women. Long and thick hair is a sign of femininity. Men are also keen to grow their hair today.  Most men seem to be psychologically affected by hair loss. Hair loss is seen as a sign of aging, so men are losing sleep over it. You can try out the measures to get that healthy mane of hair today. There are so many ways to grow your hair thick. Try them out, now!

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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