Key to Happiness

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Key to Happiness

-by Dr. Parijat De

–Reading Time – 1 min Approx

Though tomorrows are getting lesser in number

I find the goings surprisingly easier,

Not that I’m in the oink of health –

Only deep down in me, everything’s merrier.

My knees have started aching,

My feet , often , tend to take things gladly. (learned)

At times I forget what I set out to do,

I find it hard to remember a name,

Yet these failings cause no worry to me –

As something much higher is now my aim.

The last quadrant of life is a puzzle unsolved –

You know not what’s in store for you,

Cast your worries aside, my friend,

And learn to live life anew.

Just give to others what you’ve will go with you-

Help the needy and spend time with friends,

For a happy old age that is the clue.

-by Dr. Parijat De

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Written by 

Dr Parijat De is a mining engineer by academic attainment and educational administrator by profession. Nonetheless he has kept alive his fondness for literary activity which has burst forth in this late age of 57. He is now a prolific writer and his creations, much appreciated by people from different stratum of society, border on 3/4 write-ups in a week. His oeuvre contains poems, essays, translations and the like. He writes in simple yet lucid language. Dr De lives with his wife in Kolkata, what was earlier known as Calcutta.

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