–by Suresh Iyer
–Reading Time – 17 min Approx
Professor Venkat called himself a scientist. It did not matter to him what others thought of him. He did present a ground breaking research on “Human Labour and Productivity”. But his crazy antics earned him a nickname of “Maddy”. He was labelled as a Mad Man even among intellectual circles and that got him the moniker of “Maddy Venkattu”. That was obviously due to his self-proclaimed claim of research into the ghost world.
Many mocked him and said that Venkat was a split personality. He was Professor during day time and Maddy at nights. Maddy slept at cemeteries, battlefields, old dilapidated homes, open fields and many places and recorded his observations on his pet project of Ghost World. The results were shocking but he wanted to present them in a way that would make the world really believe in him.
While it is scary to be alone at cemeteries or burial grounds or shamshans (Hindu cremation grounds), no one loves to have strangers snoop at such places as it is too sensitive for them. Maddy though took on this challenge to unearth the truth behind his discoveries.
Like many of his crazy missions – armed with a digital camera, Maddy spent 48 hours in a cemetery near Mahim. The children around were curious to know what he was up to. It was difficult for him to carry around his research as many were sensitive or were not obliging enough to allow him to carry out such weird tasks.
In a recently held seminar, he remembered talking on, “The science and the Paranormal”. His colleagues and scientists who were present along with him mocked about his crazy ways and suggested that he ceased to lose his rationality and needs to see a good psychiatrist. Maddy was not bothered by this and continued to proceed with his crazy task with zeal.
Each time he came close to prove his research on Ghosts, it would slip away from him as he needed evidences to back his claim and found no volunteers as they seemed to run away from him.
Maddy was 41 and not married. No father would give his daughter to such a person who seemed to be day dreaming and walked like a zombie at nights. He even devised a secret code that awakens Ghosts and recited it like a mantra (prayer). He even found a way to trick Ghosts. He was always seen mingling with Rickshaw pullers, migrant labour, sharing food with them and listening to their ghost stories.

The problem with stories on ghosts is that you can never believe them but do get scared when you hear them.
Maddy believed that there has to be some element of truth that ghosts exist and most of the ghost stories may be true.
The watchman of the cemetery Raghu could not help but laughing at Maddy. Yet he was furious with Maddy not leaving the designated place despite given only a few days to be around.
Raghu thought to himself that he has been working in a cemetery for more than 10 years, but has not seen a ghost. Here was a Professor, who was too crazy and was doing even research on that. The cemetery also did not have a reputation of being haunted but Maddy’s presence was raising quite a few eyebrows and Raghu was not liking it. In fact Raghu himself was little bit scared entering the cemetery due to Maddy’s antics.
He shooed away Maddy.
“Many hours have passed since you are here, and I do not want this place to turn out to be a resting point for people like you. Enough of your idiosyncrasies!”
Maddy was used to such taunts, but looking at the stern face of Raghu, quietly decided to move away from the place for the time being.
He said with a sombre look, “I think I will come tomorrow.”
This got Raghu irritated, but Maddy was calm and collected.

Maddy walked along past noon. The hot scorching Sun made his throats feel parched. He was already very hungry. Luckily, he saw an auto near him. Maddy paused a bit and thanked the auto driver for his timely presence in such a remote area.
The auto driver asked him, “What happened Sir, you look disturbed. I saw the watchman shooing you away. He is my good friend.”
“No, no. It’s ok. I have no issues with your friend. You go ahead.”
Maddy calmly answered as he requested for some water from the Auto driver.
“Well, sorry, I do not have water. But what were you doing inside the cemetery Sir, are you a Christian?”
“No, I am a Tamilian.”
The auto driver laughed aloud, “Ha ha! You are so funny, I am also a Tamilian, it’s not a religion.
He continued, “Ok, I am Peter. Do you believe in Ghosts, Sir?”
“Ya, I believe, I do research on Ghosts.”
Peter’s expressions became pale, as he heard Maddy saying this.
He recollected himself and had a hearty laugh.
“I think I have never heard someone saying like this”
Maddy said, “Everyone sounds sceptical at first, but we have all experienced enough to believe in Ghosts.”
“Interesting,” said Peter.
“You look very educated, how come you are into this auto driving business.” quipped Maddy.
“I have done M.A., M.Phil. Sir, but the jobs are not there for my category. The India Shining Story belongs to only the software guys and trillion dollar economy exists only on paper Sir.”
Maddy was positioning his camera lens and fidgeting with it.
“Can I know what you are doing Sir?”
“Nothing, this camera is my companion. I hope you won’t mind.”
“No, no, can I help you?”
“I will take care of it, by the way, what you think of Ghosts?” Maddy asked Peter.
“I think it is something which happens as soon as someone dies”, replied Peter as he laughed heartily.
Maddy was not amused.
Peter asked again, “How can you tell, if there are really ghosts around. Can you sense their presence?”
Maddy replied, “It may sound easy, but it is not. It is like tuning a radio to a particular station for listening to music. Not everyone can see a ghost. You really have to rule out the natural before considering the supernatural. Ghosts don’t always perform on cue, but they are around us.”
“I think you are scaring me”, laughed Peter.
“No, no, I don’t find Ghosts scary; they do not always resort to physical abuse like living humans.”
“I liked that.”
Maddy continued, “Spirits are all around us all the time. They can be seen and heard anytime during the day and the night.”
Peter got engaged in the conversation.
“Sir, I know few friends of mine driving in a hired Tata Sumo on a picnic on a road adjoining a field. They saw a woman ahead waving her hands signalling them to stop the car. As they slowed down, she asked them for a lift. They could not believe her asking them for a lift as the Sumo was packed with friends drinking beer and they did not want the presence of a woman along with them. So, they refused.”
“Then what happened.” asked Maddy.
“As the Tata Sumo took speed, the women began running along and believe me, she was running at 100 kms per hr, peering at the window and asking my friends why they were not letting her in.”
“She must be a ghost”, quipped Maddy.
“No one believed in their story, probably thinking that they were drunk.”
“What happened to the woman, then?” Asked Maddy.
“She continued to run for a while, and then disappeared,” Said Peter.
“Like humans, Ghosts too have self-made boundaries beyond which they do not move around”, explained Maddy.
He continued, “Children can see ghosts better than adults.”
Maddy wanted to lighten the situation.
“Yesterday, I saw a female sitting atop a coffin alone in a cemetery.”
“Then what happened,” asked Peter.
I asked her, “What she was doing at this unearthly hour at this strange place.”
“She replied, “It was feeling hot inside, so I came out to have some air outside.”
Both started laughing.
Peter said, “Come on Professor, you do have a wonderful sense of humour.”
“Yes, that is why, people say that I am a mad man,” laughed Maddy.
It was time to bid adieu to Peter, as Maddy greeted Peter promising to meet again and walked ahead. He even forgot his thirst and tiredness as he was engrossed talking to Peter and found him quite interesting.
Next day, Maddy chose to go to the same cemetery in the evening hours as the sun was about to set and the sky was turning pink.
Raghu was chatting along with his friends and cracking jokes with them.
Seeing Maddy, Raghu queried, “What made you come here again? Do you have any appointment with some ghosts again?”
His friends had a hearty laugh.
Maddy said, “Just came to see you and hand over something to you.”
Raghu took the cover from Maddy’s hand and opened it.
It contained snaps taken by Maddy of Raghu, Peter and his friends.
Maddy had amazing skills of photography and the photos did not appear to have been taken right inside the cemetery but in a picturesque cinematic location.”
Raghu asked, “When did you take this, Maddy?”
Maddy said, “Sorry to have taken this without your permission, but I loved this. I have much more moving videos also saved in my camera. Your friend Peter met me yesterday. It was lovely talking to him. He was recalling his association with you and how you both lost contact due to a small scuffle. Peter is a nice guy and ready to make amends. I think I and you shall meet Peter tomorrow.”
Raghu fainted and collapsed on the ground.
Maddy rushed and sprinkled few drops of cold water to bring Raghu to senses.
“My Dear, are you alright.”
“What have you done, Maddy?” asked Raghu.
He continued, “Do you know, Peter died a year ago. He had a minor scuffle with me the day before he died.”
“Is it true?” asked Maddy, suddenly beaming all over with joy.
Raghu stood looking at the photo, speechless and his hands were shivering.
He quietly moved away from Maddy. Maddy started following him. Now Raghu began running and Maddy was giving him an endless chase.
–by Suresh Iyer