Mystical Diamond : Chapter-10

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Mystical Diamond : Chapter-10

–by Suresh Iyer

–Reading Time – 10 min Approx

Truth is mysterious, elusive; when revealed it gets painful.

Kundavai revealed about the secrets of the Mystical Diamond and handed it over to Veera Someshwara.

Veera Someshwara had an enormous task in front of him. He had to quell the challenge posed by the enemy kingdoms as well as end the internal discontent which was rising within the Empire.Mystical Diamond : Chapter-10 - Descriptive 1 - TCP

He ordered the release of Hiranya and Hiranmaya and requested Kundavai to guide and chart the further course of action to be taken in the interest of the Empire.

Kundavai called Hiranya and Hiranmaya. She expressed her wish that Hiranmaya be made the next Emperor and Hiranya shall be his Commander in chief.

Hiranya endorsed the wish of Kundavai. Kundavai expressed her apologies to Hiranmaya and Hiranya.

“I’m guilty for the acts of my son which caused you both deep sorrow. You can give any punishment to me.”

King Veera Someshwara intervened, “I hope we may not go back to whatever happened. The bitterness within the Empire should go away. That will be our ultimate tribute to Mutharaiyar. I am happy to see Hiranmaya taking over the reins of the Empire. He has all the qualities of his grandfather Elangovathiarayan. “Hiranmaya fell at the feet of Kundavai and VeeraSomeshwara and took their blessings.

He ordered implementation of five major tasks before his coronation of the Emperor.

‘The Sinhala army should quickly retreat from all their positions in the Tanjore Empire.

He told Hiranya to put an end to the rebellion within and outside the Empire and sought the help of Emperor Veera Someshwara in this mission.

He ordered the handing over of all kingdoms under the control of Tanjore Empire back to the respective kings and pledged that the Tanjore Empire will not exercise any authority over them.

He called all the artisans in and around the Empire to build a grand Shiva temple in the middle of the Tanjore Empire and restore its Architectural and cultural glory. He himself took upon the task of designing the construction of the temple.

He restored the tradition of holding cultural celebrations once a year and rewarding the eminent poets and artists as was done under the rule of the Great Emperor Elangovathiarayan.’

“Till all these tasks are achieved, Queen Kundavai will rule the Empire.” declared Hiranmaya.

Kundavai was in tears.

Everyone around agreed in unison and hailed Hiranmaya and Kundavai.

The Sinhala army made a hasty retreat. The kings around the Empire were happy at getting back control of their kingdoms and blessed Hiranmaya.

There were few kingdoms and factions within the Empire which had kept the fire of rebellion going by making attacks on civilians and bleeding the Empire.

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-10 - Descriptive 2 - TCP
Image Courtesy: Orissa Post

Hiranmaya and Hiranya organized their forces and defeated them after an intense battle.

Meanwhile the construction of the grand Shiva temple was initiated. It took eighteen months to complete the temple in all its glory.

The cultural celebrations were planned coinciding with the opening of the temple to the devotees around the world.

Hiranmaya called the sages from the Himalayas and arranged a Yagna to appease the sins committed during the course of this long war and prayed for the dead souls to rest in peace.

In a few months, peace returned to the kingdom of Tanjore.  The warring groups reconciled and buried their past differences.  Women and children began to feel safe and the citizens felt happy and secured.  The vultures which walked around flew away and peacocks danced around in step with other birds as flowers bloomed everywhere.

There was joy in the Empire all round as cultural glory of the Tanjore Empire as envisioned by Elangovathiarayan was restored.

As the coronation of Emperor was set to begin with the finishing touches given to the temple Kundavai called Hiranmaya and revealed to him about the Mystical Diamond in presence of King Veera Someshwara.

Hiranmaya, on hearing about the Mystical Diamond said, “With the blessings of the Lord I have complete faith in ruling the Tanjore Empire and uphold the welfare of my people. I wish to hand over back the Mystical Diamond back to the sages who have come from Himalayas.”

King Veera Someshwara intervened, “No dear! The Maharishi had given the diamond to Elangovathiarayan for a divine purpose. You have the responsibility to fulfill the objective of the Mystical Diamond.”

Hiranmaya replied, “As you wish I will keep the Mystical Diamond as a tribute to my father.”

He took upon himself to climb the temple and design a chamber over the Tower of the temple.  The people of the Tanjore Empire were amazed to watch their Prince as he completed the design in a few days.  News spread around that the missing Mystical Diamond which was an important part of the Royal family tradition had been found out. The people were feeling ecstatic and prayed and danced with devotion.  Hiranmaya summoned thousands of horse carts to push a single boulder weighing over 80 tonnes over the chamber containing the diamond on the top of the Vimana Tower at a height of 65 m above the majestic temple. It took around another hundred days under the gaze of the military undernewly crowned Emperor Hiranmaya for the said act. Kundavai watched with tears as men kept engaged tirelessly over restoring the pride of the Empire. The single boulder fitted nicely over the mystical diamond and stood radiantly as a crown over the majestic Vimana Tower. When the first rays of the sun kissed the temple, the temple went golden in color and no reflection of the sun fell on either side.

King Veera Someshwara heaved a sigh of relief and was pleased that the balance of the powers of Nature has been restored as the secrets lay hidden inside the safe confines of the abode of GOD, who is all pervading.

Emperor Hiranmaya took his blessings as he set to go back for his kingdom of Mysore. The diamond lay safely above the grand temple and its secrets will lay buried forever.

YEAR 2034

Vihaan had his eyes closed as he was seated on the back of the private cab which was moving towards the Airport.

Mayuri who was seated next to him was feeling tense and irritated.

“Come on Vihaan! Please stop day dreaming. You abandoned the project midway and told me to give you company till Airport only to doze around.”

“Mayuri dear!I was just thinking how it would have been if I was the King and you were the Queen and made love at the Tanjore Palace.”

Vihaan smiled at Mayuri and hugged her.Mystical Diamond : Chapter-10 - Descriptive 1 - TCP

Mayuri pushed him aside and asked him again.

“Please tell me where are you going and why are you proceeding ahead without permissions. I think you have forgotten the last time you got suspended from duties.”

Vihaan smiled, “Don’t worry. Have my hunches ever gone wrong? The Government and the Department has always benefited from my way of unraveling histories and mysteries.Taking backdated permissions is my way of working.”

“You will never listen! At least tell me where you are leaving for Vihaan?”

“Towards Mount Kailas to know more about this Diamond my dear.”

“Have you gone mad Vihaan!” Mayuri shouted.

Vihaan calmed her down. “I will return soon. I’m not a Yogi. I have a Mayuri waiting for me.”

“It’s not a time to be joking Vihaan. I don’t like you going to Mount Kailas in the midst of high tensions between India and China. If you still insist in going I too will come.”

Vihaan laughed again.

“What will you do there? You will be more of a love distraction for me. If we both lose our jobs; what will we do in future?”

“Come on Vihaan if you continue joking I will cry. “

“Ok then Mayuri come with me. You will be of great help. In case of any Chinese attack you will shoot them down and protect me.”

Mayuri punched hard at Vihaan in his stomach.

Vihaan held her hands.

“I know you will be coming with me. I have tickets for both of us.”

Mayuri hugged Vihaan.

The Mystical Diamond was making its way back to Mount Kailas.

–by Suresh Iyer


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Written by 

Suresh M Iyer, born in 20 March 1974 at the cultural city of Dombivli in Maharashtra works for CBI ACB Mumbai. He has a passion for writing short stories and poetry. Winner of Short Stories by the Writers Guild of India, AP. He writes on horror, romance and social drama in various blog sites.

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