Mystical Diamond : Chapter-9

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-9 - Feature - TCP

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-9

–by Suresh Iyer

–Reading Time – 9 min Approx

Truth is mysterious, elusive; when revealed it gets painful.

Krishnan Raman asked King Veera Someshwara what news he brought for him.

Veera Someshwara replied, “The sad news is that court poet Bhalanetra is no more. The good news is that Kulothunga has taken full control of the Tanjore Empire and has defeated all his enemies. Kundavai is looking for a suitable bride for him and has invited you.”

Krishnan Raman was delighted with this news.

“Make preparations for me immediately.  I have got to go.”Mystical Diamond : Chapter-9 - Closure - TCP

Veera Someshwara asked him to be patient and not to hurry.

“You did not even care to hear of the shocking news left.  Hiranya and Hiranmaya have been arrested and kept under imprisonment.”

Krishnan Raman was equally shocked by this unexpected news.

He said, “I understand you are concerned about me and do not want me to go to the Tanjore Empire.  But I have never refused the orders of the Tanjore Empire and especially Queen Kundavai.”

“Ok I know I cannot stop you my dear friend.  But you being a part of this kingdom, it is our duty to ensure that you are safe till you reach the Tanjore Empire. I will be sending two of my trusted soldiers along with you.”, said Veera  Someshwara.

Veera Someshwara was worried for the safety of Krishnan Raman.

Few days passed. Veera Someshwara got the news that Krishnan Raman was killed on the way along with two of his soldiers.

This news came as a blow and angered him. This was no less than an act of War. Veera Someshwara summoned his Army and prepared for an attack on the Tanjore Empire.

He knew that his army was no match against the might of the Army of the Tanjore Empire.  However, no kingdom dared to rub the Mysore kingdom the wrong way as its Army comprised of several units which specialized in Guerilla warfare and can cause considerable damage to any Army.  The other obvious reason was its decades- long friendship with the Tanjore Empire.

The Tanjore Empire has dared the Mysore kingdom and posed a challenge.  King Veera Someshwara led his army and crossed the borders of the Mysore kingdom.  Its guerilla outfits were kept ready in case of any threat to the King.  As his army moved towards the Tanjore Palace, he could witness scenes of destruction and damage around the outskirts of the War ravaged Empire.  Surprisingly his army was met with meek resistance with only a few skirmishes here and there.  As he approached the Palace Gates, the Chief of the Armed Unit of the Palace recognized him as King Veera Someshwara, the friend of King Mutharaiyar and Krishna Raman and bowed before him with respect.

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-9 - Closure - TCP
Image Courtesy: Orissa Post

Veera Someshwara was however not amused by the way Krishnan Raman was being killed and was angry at the audacity of the Empire to commit such an Act.

“I want to meet Queen Kundavai.” He said sternly.

He was guided to the Palace where he was stunned to see a weeping Kundavai in front of the body of Emperor Kulothunga.

He walked towards Kundavai and sat beside her.  Wiping her tears, she confided.

“I had only asked Krishnan Raman to exit the Empire on request from Hiranmaya who came up with a truce pact. My husband is no more, Valli Mayil was killed in mysterious circumstances. I did not want any more calamities to happen in the Empire.  Kulothunga was being coronated under the watchful eyes of Hiranya. The Empire was under siege from the Sinhala Kingdom. Kulothunga was a misfit as an Emperor and I was being selfish in being protective of him though he lacked the credentials.  But I never thought that he was a manipulator and deceitful person.

Mystical Diamond : Chapter-8 - Descriptive 1 - TCP
Image Courtesy : IBT Times . in

Krishnan Raman had handed over a Mystical Diamond to my husband and revealed its secrets.  It added to the might of Mutharaiyar and he was successful in all missions ever since he had the Diamond. I was not on speaking terms with Krishnan Raman after their conquest of the Sinhala Kingdom which led to Mutharaiyar to be stuck by the seduction of wily Valli Mayil. He happened to spend more time with her and occasionally had time for me. Mutharaiyar happened to reveal the secrets of the Diamond to Valli Mayil when he was at the peak of his powers. My son Kulothunga was a voyeur and had a habit of sneaking into unsuspecting places. Unfortunately that night, he happened to be in their room to watch their act and listened to Mutharaiyar reveal about the Diamond to Valli Mayil before his another bout of romance with her. He got furious and stole the Diamond. With the Diamond, he orchestrated all the moves right from setting up Hiranmaya to enter a pact with Hiranya, ousted Krishnan Raman for the Empire, killed Valli Mayil and gained the confidence of the people of the Empire.  Once he gained power, he showed his true nature, crushed the Sinhala kingdom which was controlling the Empire and put Hiranya and Hiranmaya into imprisonment. Unaware of his moves, I was really awestruck seeing my wayward son becoming a tyrannical ruler. But the motherly love in me and my hatred towards the family of Valli Mayil, I secretly admired my son taking over the Empire.  But I was not aware of his machinations till one day, when I raised the topic of his marriage, he requested me to invite Krishnan Raman.

That day I felt so happy and immediately sent orders for inviting Krishnan Raman.  The news of the arrest of Hiranya and Hiranmaya had also spread around the Empire by then.  Kulothunga proved me wrong. The killing of Krishnan Raman came as a shock to me.  I called Kulothunga and asked him to act upon the traitors who did this act.  Kulothunga laughed aloud and spoke about the Diamond and his scheming ways in gaining the control of the Empire. I was furious with Kulothunga as had taken three lives. He killed Valli Mayil, he killed my brother Krishnan Raman but most importantly he stole the Diamond. It was the missing Diamond that led to his father Mutharaiyar getting unwell and his untimely death.”

–by Suresh Iyer

To be continued..

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Written by 

Suresh M Iyer, born in 20 March 1974 at the cultural city of Dombivli in Maharashtra works for CBI ACB Mumbai. He has a passion for writing short stories and poetry. Winner of Short Stories by the Writers Guild of India, AP. He writes on horror, romance and social drama in various blog sites.

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