National Water Animal of India

National Water Animal of India - Feature - TCP

National Water Animal of India

-by Abhrajita Mondal

–Reading Time – 6 min Approx

–Edited by – Srishti Bhattacharyya

India is a land of ‘unity in diversity’. Multiple aspects make India diverse. There are myriad cultures, places, religions, food, dance forms, spirituality, religions, flora, and fauna. India has biodiverse regions. You will find a wide range of biomes like highlands, tropical, temperate forests, deserts, mountains, grasslands, rivers, swamplands, plains, as well as islands.

The Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas are biodiversity hotspots. The different biodiversities emulate Malayan, Ethiopian, European, and India’s biodiversity. The country has over 90,000 species of animals. Moreover, India also has perennial rivers that can sustain aquatic life. Additionally, there are various species of animals that reside here. Are you wondering which animal is the national water animal of India? You will get the answer today.

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Image Courtesy : Sci news . com

Which Is the National Water Animal of India?

The national aquatic animal of India is none other than the Dolphin, more precisely, the River Dolphin. The animal is very docile and a great swimmer. The scientific name is Platanista gangetica. It prefers to stay in deep waters and mostly at the confluence of two rivers. These creatures can weigh up to 150 kg. Dolphins are blind. They avail themselves of a unique sensor to catch their prey. They emit ultrasonic waves which get reflected from the prey and reach the dolphin.

Dolphins were once present in huge numbers. However, poaching has led to a decrease in the numbers. They are almost on the brink of extinction. River Dolphins are solitary creatures. The females are larger than the males, and they have a snout and pointed teeth along both jaws. You will also hear the name ‘Susu dolphin’. They are seen in the River Ganges, Meghna, Brahmaputra, and Karnaphuli, in Bangladesh. That gives you the name of the national water animal of India.

Speaking of the national water animal, one might wonder which is the National Animal of India. The National Animal of India is none other than the Tiger. Panthera Tigris is the scientific name for it. The animal is majestic and worth a glimpse. That is one of the reasons why most reserves and national parks have them. Tigers are also at the brink of extinction, as they are being killed for various body parts.

They signify agility, courage, and power. There are eight species of tigers. The Royal Bengal tiger is found throughout India. There are 50 national reserves in India, under the ‘Project Tiger’. Currently, there are about 3,000 tigers in India. The national animal of India also features on the currency. So, you can very well assume its importance. Tigers normally inhabit grasslands, dry scrubland, tropical, and subtropical forests, mangroves, and deciduous forests.

Guide To the National Symbols of India:

There are a few national symbols of India. Everybody knows about the National Flag, which is one of them. These symbols are based on a historic document. The other symbols are the national emblem, national anthem, national song, and national bird, animals, amongst others. Today, you will get a brief overview of these symbols. Let us find out more about them –

  • The National Anthem – Every Indian knows this by heart. It is composed by Bengali by ‘Kabiguru’ Rabindranath Tagore and is called is ‘Jana Gana Mana’.National Water Animal of India - Descriptive 3 - TCP
  • National Song – If you are an Indian, you should know that our national song is ‘Vande Mataram’. It is a Sanskrit poem written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.
  • National Currency – Our national currency is the ‘Indian Rupee’.
  • National Heritage Animal – It is none other than the elephant. We have nearly 29,000 elephants in our country.
  • National Reptile – The King Cobra is our national reptile. It is considered sacred in Indian culture.
  • National Flower – The beautiful pink lotus is the one. You must have used it for pujas.
  • National Tree – Our national tree is the sacred Indian Banyan. The tree is considered immortal, due to its longevity.
  • National Fruit – Who can miss this? Everyone loves mangoes. Mango is also the ‘king of fruits’.
  • National River – It is none other than ‘Ganga’.

National Heritage Animal of India:

Elephants are gentle giants. They are being killed mercilessly every day for valuable body parts. Their tusks are worth a few lakhs. Poachers are always on the prowl for them. Moreover, a lot of elephants face accidental deaths while crossing railway lines. Furthermore, all this is due to human encroachment.

To create awareness about the animal, the Wildlife Trust of India along with the Ministry has started celebrating ‘Gaj Mahotsav’. The event is held in August. You can witness the dance forms, artworks, and storytelling sessions for children. Now, that you know about the elephant, you might be wondering about the elephant’s lifestyle and characteristics. Let us find more about them in detail.

Elephants are the largest land animals. There are African Bush elephants, Forest elephants, and there are Asian elephants. There are elephants across the Sahara region, Africa, and South Asia. They can adapt to habitats like forests, deserts, grasslands, and marshes. They can live up to the ripe age of seventy. Moreover, they are known to be intelligent and emotional creatures.

Wondering what their tusks are? They are teeth. However, they cannot chew their food with tusks. You will find them chomping on fruits and vegetables most of the time. They communicate with one another through vibrations. Elephants can also be one of the most dangerous creatures, especially when they are looking for a mate.National Water Animal of India - Descriptive 5 - TCP

National Reptile of India – King Cobra:

The King Cobra is one of the most venomous snakes on this planet and the national reptile of India. These carnivores are about 13 feet in length. They have the strength to stand up and look straight into a human’s eye. However, they try to avoid humans, striking only if they sense danger. You must have seen them flaring their hood, in the movies. It is a warning signal to get off their track. Their venom is not that poisonous, the quantity is what makes it potent. One bite can kill twenty people and an elephant. Their venom affects the respiratory system, brain, and heart. King Cobras mainly live in grasslands, rain forests, and mangroves. You will find them catching prey like lizards, and frogs, most of the time.

You will find them in South and Southeast Asia. Apart from lizards and frogs, snakes also love small mammals and birds. The snake can also become the meal of another animal, called the Mongoose. King Cobras are the only snakes that make nests for their eggs. Another amazing fact is that they shed their skin around 5 times a year.

The National Fish and River of India:

Now, you must be wondering which is the National Fish of India? Well, it is the Indian Mackerel. It is also an important part of South and Southeast Asian cuisine. You will hear other names associated with this fish. They are Bangda, Aiyla Meen, and Aiyla. Locals call them by many other names. You will find the fish in the Indian, West Pacific, and Mediterranean seas. This species lives in the coastal, shallow waters. You will be able to find the fish in the Karnataka coastal belt. The Indian Mackerel feeds on plankton.National Water Animal of India - Descriptive 4 - TCP

Now, we come to the most important National River of India. The River Ganges is the most revered river. It is said that taking a dip in the Ganges washes away one’s sins. People refer to it as ‘Mother Ganga’. Hindus believe that rituals and occasions conducted on the banks bring good luck and fortune. The River Ganges starts at the Gangotri glacier and is joined by the rivers Alakananda and Bhagirathi at Devprayag to form the Ganges. The Ganges is mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas too. Moreover, Ganga is the name of the daughter of the mountain lord, Himalaya.

The national symbols of India are a true sense of the country’s culture and identity. The symbols were formed differently to give the nation a unique identity. These symbols are an important part of the constitution of India. All generations to come will know about the symbols. From the ‘Tiranga’ to the National animals, each of the seventeen symbols is important for all Indians. You must keep yourself and your future generations abreast of the national symbols. It is a part of our existence, something to be proud of.

-by Abhrajita Mondal

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Image Courtesy : Earth Touch
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Written by 

Abhrajita Mondal, is into Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management, She is an Ex-HR with over 10 years of corporate experience. She is a voracious reader and loves to write. She loves to travel and is a complete foodie. She has a thirst for the unknown.

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