-by Suresh Iyer
–Reading Time – 9 min Approx
He was a meritorious IPS officer and one of the most respected and upright officers of the Police force. He had bagged several awards for his bravery and commitment. Last year, he was awarded the President’s Police Medal. His name evokes terror among the underworld and the terrorists. He never used Government accommodation and his family members never disturbed him when he was out for duty. This time again he was out of home for a few days on a tough assignment and had just returned home. He never troubled his drivers and drove his vehicle alone. He was damn tired. He knocked the door of his house twice. No one opened. His parents were out for pilgrimage. His wife surprisingly seemed to be not at home. He calmly took his keys and opened the door. It was 10 pm. He wondered where his wife went. He took his mobile and tried calling his wife when the doorbell rang.

He opened the door to see his wife come in. She was empty handed. He asked her where she had been at this point of the hour. She replied that she had gone to her parent’s house. He suspected something fishy in her reply. He was very angry at her. He never expected this of her. But he was very tired and hungry.
“Go, bring me something to eat” He ordered.
He sat on the dining table. She flung the plate, which hit his face. He got very angry and felt insulted. He put the chair aside and stood up. His wife stood before him, holding his gun in her hand!
He was slammed into the wall. A line of blood trickled down his chin. The impact of the monstrous Laughing Buddha she had hit him with, left his head stinging with pain. There was fury in her eyes; there was fear in his. They stared at each other for a millisecond before the next blow. She aimed at his gut this time; he was caught unaware once again. He let out a choked scream, his knees buckled, and he fell to the floor. Throwing aside the iron object she had hit him with, she stood there, watching him writhe in pain. She was not done with him yet.
She strode to her cabinet, looked at their photograph on the dresser table, picked it, turned and threw it straight at him. He winced; he still didn’t have the strength to stand up. His years of practice in self-defense failed him. He was simply stunned. She had his gun in her hand and was waving it ferociously at him. It was fully loaded.
The insanity glowed on her face, glinted in her eyes. She kicked him and told him to get up. He struggled to regain a sense of balance and instantly tried to grab the gun from his wife. In the struggle for the gun, she fired a shot accidentally that zipped past her but did not let go of it. Another gunshot hit the wall, while the third one aimed at him.
He did not move a bit. She would blow him to bits in that bedroom which appeared tiny if he attempted to do anything out of the ordinary. He was pinned to the wall by his deranged wife, who had acquired super-human strength since the last time he saw her. While he tried to move a bit, she landed another blow on his left eye. Her wedding ring left a dent when her clenched fist slammed into his cheek next. He felt a tooth shift his gum. She made him sit in a chair and tied his legs and himself on a chair.
What happened next, stunned him. She took another pair of rope and flung it into the ceiling fan, tied the knot and hanged herself in front of him. He looked at her stunningly, he was unable to move. He was shell shocked. He spent the whole night staring at her body. He was shivering, his whole body was shaking. He was locked inside the room for around twelve hours. He somehow stumbled down the floor and managed to crawl down the floor and somehow accessed his mobile using his teeth. The Police broke the door and rushed inside.
He searched around the room and found a suicide note placed in the corner of the room. It read “My Dear Mama and Papa. I feel very sad and depressed writing this. I did not want to trouble you and bother you with my troubles. You were all so proud to get me married to a Government Servant. But things have gone out of hand. My husband regularly beats me and abuses me. He insults me from the day I was married, as he was not satisfied with the dowry amount and wanted more. Five years passed, I could not bear a child and became the brunt of insults and anger in my in-law’s house. He never allowed me to go out and even to our house. He treated me like a maidservant. He wears a respectable mask for the outside world but has a very dirty lifestyle, which only I know and no one would believe. I never disclosed anything to you Mama and Papa about this because I felt that things will be alright one day. But it never happened. The years of education that you gave me has failed me. I should have spoken up but kept quiet. I was fed up and contemplated committing suicide. But I will teach him a lesson of his lifetime before giving up my life.”
He instantly tore it off and cursed aloud. His hands were shivering. How dare she? He felt brutally insulted from within and kept shouting insanely. His mind kept ticking overtime how to cover up this whole mess. He vowed to come out of this, but the nightmare given by his righteous wife will haunt him forever.
-by Suresh Iyer
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