Jujutsu: Combat Stories - 05 - Feature - TCP

Jujutsu: Combat Stories – 07

Although it was started as a self-defense technique, now, its scope is broader than that. Nowadays, jujutsu is practiced as a sports form and as a major self-defense technique. It is also played as an Olympics sport. However, the sport form is similar to judo, another combat form influenced by the traditional form of jujutsu.

Kenjutsu : Combat Stories - 06 - Feature - TCP

Kenjutsu : Combat Stories – 05

It is said that the first iron sword was manufactured in Japan in the fourth century. Mainly based on the technology imported from Korea and China, swords became an indispensable part of their lives. Heard about katana? The popular curved Japanese sword? This most popular Japanese sword was developed in the Heian period. The period started at 794 A.D. and ended at 1185 A.D.