The Most Popular Food in the World

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The Most Popular Food in the World

-by Ishita Mondal

–Reading Time – 8 min Approx

–Edited by – Srishti Bhattacharyya

Virginia Woolf once said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if has not dined well.” Whether it is relaxing at home or traveling outsides, food is always an indispensable part of our lives. Our taste buds always look for new adventures of taste. Well, I too am sitting with a bowl of peanuts while writing this article. So, in short, food is essential for nutrition to the body and to entertain our soul. Gastronomic pleasure is something that we really enjoy. Whether it is a birthday or a marriage ceremony, we cannot think of the celebration without a platter of delicious delicacy.The Most Popular Food in the World - Descriptive 1 - TCP

One of the most common questions among foodies is what is the most popular food in the world. Now, it is hard to mention just one name. Taste differs as per the territories. If you go to the hills of Tibet, you will see the abundance of dumplings. The seashores of Japan will invite you with sushi, sashimi, unagi, and sukiyaki. While the Middle East has a variety of food cultures, India has another. A rich diversity is present in India in the name of food. The list is enormous, from Bihar’s Litti Chokha, Punjab’s Makki di Roti to West Bengal’s Aluposto, Karnataka’s Bisi Bele bhat. India’s neighbors are also no less than others in respect to food. If Bangladesh has its staple dish called Kachhi Biriyani, China has delicious variations of noodles and soups.

Is Rice the Most Popular Food in the World?

Looking at the popular culture of eating rice in different states of India, Japan, Italy, etc., the question ‘is rice the most popular food in the world’ is raised. We will get the answer in a later part of our discussion.

It is hard to find out what is the most popular food in the world. Whenever you try to find out what is the most popular dish in the world, a long list comes to your mind. You cannot pick up just one. However, if we go by the cuisine, Italian is the most popular one, followed by Chinese and Japanese cuisine. Therefore, variations of pizza and pasta are the most popular foods in the world. Based on different tastes across the world, we have picked up some of the most popular foods in the world. Let’s have a look.

What is the Most Popular Food in the World- A Detailed Discussion:

Rice:The Most Popular Food in the World - Descriptive 2 - TCP

Yes, people are right. You can call rice the most popular food in the world. What can you not cook with rice? From Japanese sushi to Indian rajma-Chawal, Italian risotto, nasi goring in Indonesia- innumerable dishes are there. As per a study by National Geographic, rice is a major food for more than 3.5 billion people worldwide. In Asia, it has been cultivated for thousands of years. According to the historical documents, it entered Japan nearly about 3000 years ago. Since its introduction to the different territories, it has been a significant item for various delicious cuisines.


If you ask to name an easy-to-access and well-balanced protein resource, undoubtedly, the name will be an egg. A survey by suggests that an average person eats nearly 320 eggs annually in Japan. Since the birth of civilization, people have appreciated the nutritional value of the egg. Thus it has become a part of different platters.

You can find shakshuka in North Africa- a spicy combination of tomato, chili peppers, onions, and poached eggs. Egg soufflé is a popular baked egg dish with a handsome amount of cheese in it. If you like to have a lightly flavored broth, you can try a delicious Chinese delicacy called Egg Flower Soup. Other popular egg dishes include Italian deviled eggs, Indian egg curry, egg salad sandwiches, etc.The Most Popular Food in the World - Descriptive 3 - TCP

Corn (Maize):

Variations of corn dishes across the world are enough to mesmerize you. From simple puffed corn to corn salad, delicious platters are always ready to surprise your taste buds. It is one of the most grown crops in America. United States, China, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina are the topmost producers of corn in the world. People eat corn in versatile ways. Cornmeal is a thick powder made of dried, ground corn. In many places, corn porridges and cornbreads are prepared with powder. Alongside this, people eat it by boiling, grilling, and roasting. Corn oil and alcohol prepared from fermented corn are also popular.


Whether maintaining a healthy diet or trying a starter before the main course, salad has a firm position as a popular food. Talking about its variety, it is endless. Why do people love it so much? Simply put, it is healthy, tasty, and easy to prepare. You should not have to burn out midnight oils by looking at the recipes and preparation process. All you have to do is combine the ingredients and turn them into a delicious blend with additional sauces and spices. It is said that the word ‘salad’ has its origin in the word ‘salt’. Previously, it was a salt-based add-on for the early Roman period. With different variations of the salad across the world, we can consider it as the most popular food in the world.


Monsoon has arrived? Let’s have soup. Want to enjoy the evening with movies? Let’s take a bowl of soup along with you. What to eat before the main course arrives? Let’s try some soup and salad. It is evident how frequently soup comes into our life. If anyone asks a foodie-what is the most popular food in the world? The list of the answers will include soup undoubtedly. Innumerable variations include beef broth, chicken hot and sour soup, chicken munchow soup, pork soup, and so on. Don’t like non-veg options? No worries! You can have plenty of veg options from lentil soups to corn soup, mixed veg soups, mushroom soup, etc.The Most Popular Food in the World - Descriptive 4 - TCP


Pizza is one of the most sensational and popular foods for the new generation of folks. A 2019 article in The Washington Post says that in the United States, 350 pizza slices are eaten every second. The perfect combo of cheese and tomato sauce garnished with oregano satisfies the souls of foodies across the world.


After pizza, pasta is another popular Italian dish in the world. It is prepared with durum wheat. It is simple and versatile at once, and has won the hearts of millions of foodies. Pasta comes in various shapes and sizes and is prepared in various ways. World-class chefs often prepare unique sauces that give the dish innovative touch. The best part is you do not have to bring in lavish ingredients to prepare the sauces. The preparation is as simple as the dish itself is. That is why it became so popular among the food-lovers.The Most Popular Food in the World - Descriptive 5 - TCP


It will be wrong if we do not include it in the list. Thanks to McDonald’s we now get numerous variations of a burger. Hamburger is a popular dish in the world. It is a staple dish in the United States, although its origin story begins from somewhere else. It is said that the hamburger has its origin in the German city of Hamburg. It is often loved as a snack or main course by foodies. Its easy-to-eat nature helps them to fill their stomach even amidst the busy schedule. However, after undergoing several changes in its forms and taste, it has now bagged the position of one of the most popular foods in the world.

So, that’s how popular dishes are drooling over the world of culinary. Now, we have got the most popular dishes in the world. Let’s know the interesting details of the foods popular within specific territories.

What is the Most Popular Food in the World- Different Place, Different Taste:

United Kingdom of Great Britain:

Try mouth-watering cream tea along with the famous British fish and chips. Also, you can enjoy the royal legacy of Great Britain with a full platter of English breakfast.


Have you reached the place of sumo wrestlers? Well, you can treat your taste buds with traditional sushi and sashimi. Don’t forget to try other delicious platters like yakitori, tempura, and onigiri.


German cuisines are famous for three common ingredients- sausages, sauerkraut, and beer. Do not miss trying one of the traditional bratwurst dishes- a pack of sausages decorated on a plate.The Most Popular Food in the World - Descriptive 5 - TCP


Middle-eastern countries mostly share a common sort of taste when it comes to food. But, Arab has something more on its plate. You can enjoy Kabsa, which is a mixed-rice dish that originated from Saudi Arabia. It is considered the national food of Arabian countries.


No! Noodles are not the only popular dish in China. If you are in China to taste its most popular food, try hotpot. The dish includes slices of meat and vegetables soaked into the broth. Different variations are available for the broth flavor-tomato, mushroom, spicy, and what’s not?


Mention Tibet once, and the images of different style dumplings will start hovering around our minds. But that is not the real case. Tibet is not all about momos. The most popular staple foods in Tibet are butter tea, barley, and yak meat. Also, tsampa is another popular food among the locals.


Here comes the real confusion. India is a country of diversity. Whether it is about culture or food, you cannot identify the whole country with just one single item. If Rajma-Chawal, alu paratha, and Chhole Bhature rule over the North, the South with go for Masala Dosa, Upma, and Idli. On the other hand, the North-Eastern part showcases some other unique food cultures. Smoked pork with bamboo shoot, pitha, and others are on that list. Above all, there is a simple yet elegant khichdi. It is often unofficially considered as the national food of India, considering its popularity.

Pulling the Curtain Down- Try the Popular Delicacies:

So, how did you enjoy the delicious journey? We hope you have got your answer about what is the most popular food in the world. Also, you have got the names of the popular dishes of different places. Let us know about your favorite dish among these in the comment box.

-by Ishita Mondal

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Ishita Mondal, from Durgapur, West Bengal has pursued her master's degree in English from Banaras Hindu University. Currently, she works as a professional writer who is passionate about writing on digital marketing, content writing, spirituality, self-development, and health & fitness. She loves to explore many other diverse niches through her writing.

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