The Mystical Diamond: Chapter-2

–by Suresh Iyer

–Reading Time – 10min Approx

If you hold onto something dearer than life, its loss will strike you hard.  Life is an illusion.

Krishnan Raman remembered the great Emperor Elangovathiarayan and repented that he broke the vow given by Emperor Elangovathiarayan that he was told to keep.

A broken vow is like a broken mirror. It can never be pieced together again. Krishnan Raman remembered the glory of those days when his father Airavata was the most trusted Advisor to the Emperor and the main Architect behind the Art and cultural splendor of the Empire. Airavata was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Buddhist monk Bankei who travelled from Sumatra to the Tanjore Empire has chronicled the glory of the Empire under Emperor Elangovathiarayan in such a way that even the gossip among the local people related to the Art and Sculpture or devotion to Lord and the same used to be rendered by their Court poet Bhalanetra. Krishnan Raman was not much interested in Architecture and spirituality despite persistent efforts of his father. He was more interested in martial arts, riding horses and sword fight. He was often seen playing with young Mutharaiyar. His father was disconcerted with his son’s lack of interest in their family profession. When Emperor Elangovathiarayan came to know about this, he called Airavata.

“Krishnan Raman is such a good natured boy. You should be proud of him.”

“You are magnanimous in praising my son, O Lord. I am worried about his future.”

“He is destined for bigger things. He will lead the Empire in a big way.”

“How can he? He does not belong to any royal blood.”

“We are all Lord Shiva’s children. It is due to the Lord’s will that I have the opportunity to serve this lovely Empire and my people. Krishnan Raman is a courageous young man. Didn’t you see how courageously he stopped a wild boar from attacking my son?  Krishnan Raman and Mutharaiyar will learn the art of warfare and governing together.”

Airavata was in tears. Where was the need to worship the Lord when he can worship Elangovathiarayan in flesh and blood? Elangovathiarayan was like a pure flame of fire. You can light a thousand lamps from that flame of fire but nothing can diminish its radiance and bliss. The bond between Airavata and Elangovathiarayan ensured the glory and culture of the Tanjore Empire. Unlike them Krishnan Raman and prince Mutharaiyar aimed to extend the Tanjore Empire and stamp its authority across the world.

At the peak of his powers, Elangovathiarayan thought of visiting Mount Kailas the abode of Lord Shiva. He embarked upon a year long journey to Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva with a hundred and eight trusted soldiers on horseback.  Nine of his trusted soldiers accompanied him on the way up to Mount Kailash while the rest were stationed at the base camp till they return.  They kept disguised themselves as servants to him who kept himself dressed like a wealthy trader and called him Elango.  He spent few days in an Ashram serving Maharishi Sivananda Yogi.

As a part of his daily routine, he sang the song on Lord Shiva rendered by Appar Tirunavukkarasar, noted Tamil Sava Saint poet which was usually sung by his court poet Bhalanetra.

“Why bathe in the river of  Kaveri

Why seek the waters of the sounding sea

Why chant the Vedas, hear the Shastras’ lore

Why roam the jungle, wander cities through

Why climb the mountains, doing penance harsh

Enlightenment is theirs, and theirs alone

Who call at every place

Upon the Lord of all

Om Namah Shivaya.”

He was an Emperor, certainly not a poet or singer so skipped many lines as he sang but his heart was pure with devotion.

The Maharishi was touched by his devotion to Lord Shiva. After spending few weeks, Elango asked for his permission to make his way back home, the Yogi smiled and said.

“I am touched by your devotion towards Lord Shiva. You belong to a royal clan. Who are you?”

Elangovathiarayan realized that the Maharishi recognized him.

“Forgive me Master. I am the Emperor of Tanjore.”

Maharishi spoke very little. There was an eternal smile in his face and his whole body radiated with bliss.

Elangovathiarayan hesitated a little as he paused to ask,”I came all the way from South to the Mount Kailas but couldn’t see Lord Shiva. Can I ever see the Lord?”

Maharishi smiled.

“Don’t worry. You may not have been able to see the Lord but the Lord has seen you.”

He handed over a Diamond to the Emperor.

“What is this Master?”

“This will give more power to you. It was granted to me by Mahavatar Babaji after my yearlong penance for Lord Shiva.”

“Mahavatar Babaji?”

“He is the eternal yogi and beyond age and time. Very few can see him or receive his blessings.”

The Emperor looked quizzically at the Diamond.

The Maharishi smiled at his reaction.

“This may be a small ornament for your wealthy Empire. It holds a secret”

Elangovathiarayan folded his hands in utmost devotion and asked the Maharishi about the secret.

“This Diamond gives power to the one who is in possession of it with the knowledge of the secret it holds.”

“What kind of power Master?”

“One who knows its secrets and owns it can never be defeated in his mission. No one can steal it unless he knows its secrets. If not properly used, it can be self-destructive. It does not bestow immortality. The Lord knows all. Everything happens by his design and will. Mahavatar Babaji chose me. You were destined to meet me and receive this Diamond. ”

Elangovathiarayan was pleased with the boon he got from the Maharishi.

The Maharishi blessed him and said, “Everyone is bound by their actions.  The secrets of this Diamond is God given and can only be shared in the interest of the people.”

As he proceeded back to the base camp to accompany the rest of the soldiers stationed there he was amused to see his network of informers awaiting his return. They were in with some bad news.

–by Suresh Iyer

To be Continued…

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Written by 

Suresh M Iyer, born in 20 March 1974 at the cultural city of Dombivli in Maharashtra works for CBI ACB Mumbai. He has a passion for writing short stories and poetry. Winner of Short Stories by the Writers Guild of India, AP. He writes on horror, romance and social drama in various blog sites.

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