Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen?

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Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen?

-by Ishita Mondal

–Reading Time – 8 min Approx

–Edited by – Srishti Bhattacharyya

Since the early ages, spirituality has been a much-discussed topic among people from different classes, religions, and territories. Different spiritual practices are prevalent in various parts of the world. Although people have defined spirituality with diverse perspectives, everybody agrees that spiritual awakening is an experience coming from within while some people associate it with religious rituals.Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen? - Descriptive 5 - TCP

Though different religious rituals help to ignite the spark of spirituality within us, it is more about awakening our soul to attain a higher divine purpose that surpasses Earth’s mortal happenings. Spiritual awakening leads us to question the true meaning of life. Now, many people ask, ‘why does spiritual awakening happen.’ Well, it is a question that requires you to dig deep into the divine resources of knowledge.

Our ancient sages have tried to find out the answer to this question through attaining different spiritual paths. Adi Shankaracharya propagated Advaita Vedanta; Mahaprabhu Shree Chaitanya Dev spread the divine name of Vishnu, the divine God in Hinduism. Paramhansa Thakur Shree Ramkrishna defined the Vedanta philosophy in its simplest form; Purusottam Shree Shree Thakur Anukulchandra, also attributed as Param Dayal, consolidated Vedanta, and spiritual awakening into our regular life through behavioral changes and self-realization. Other great personalities are also there who tried it in different ways.

Finding the causes of spiritual awakening is not easy. However, after lots of study and research performed by learned personalities, we can derive some reasons. But why does spiritual awakening happen? Before we delve into the causes, first let’s get some brief ideas about how it feels to be spiritually awakened. Do you wonder how long does a spiritual awakening lasts? Or are you interested to learn about spiritual awakening symptoms? Then, the next segment is for you.

Why Does Spiritual Awakening Happen- The Experience Explained:

Spiritual awakening hits you with authentic glimpses of reality. As our ancient scriptures say, everything happening around us is temporary and unreal. From your favorite cloth to the person you love, all these are nothing but an illusion. Vedanta calls it ‘Maya.’ The only reality is to attain the connection with the ultimate; the shapeless, colorless, odorless, Omnipotent. The entity cannot be described by words. It cannot be explained by the logic created on Earth. Spiritual awakening helps to connect our soul to that Absolute Supreme.Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen? - Descriptive 1 - TCP

Often, we see people asking what happens after a spiritual awakening. People are also curious to know how it feels to be spiritually awakened. It is hard to define the feeling of the moment when you are spiritually awakened. People call it deep consciousness. In addition, it is called enlightenment. It is a state of mind when you focus on the soul rather than the body. You become mindful than ever. Instead of going to crowded parties, you might prefer to go to a secluded place and introspect yourself. Your mind becomes broad, and your sense does not limit itself to worldly affairs. However, different people have different experiences regarding spiritual awakening.


It is a calm sense of awareness about what is happening around us without being attached to any of them. It is one of the most prominent signs of spiritual awakening. You become fully aware of your existence and surrounding. But nothing can attract or distract you as your mind adheres to that unseen, unheard, un-explained Divine Self. A mindful person becomes calm, sensible, and thoughtful of every situation.

No Fear of Death:

Once you become spiritually awakened, the fear of death goes away. With the emergence of enlightenment, you come to know the inevitable nature of death. Your soul is then connected to an entity beyond the cycle of life and death. Thus, you become less fearful of it.

More Concerned about the Purpose of Life:

A spiritually awakened person can never live life with casual relationships and activities. Instead, they become more conscious about the fulfillment of the purpose of life. They believe that they are here for a reason. And to seek and fulfill that reason is the only goal of life. So, mostly they stay calm and thoughtful, seeking the purpose of life. No worldly affair can overwhelm you or disturb you once your soul is awakened to serve the greater purpose.Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen? - Descriptive 3 - TCP

Being more Compassionate:

When you do not have over-attachment, you feel the same amount of love and compassion for every individual. And thus, you become more compassionate towards the world than others. You feel empathetic to all and feel a sense of fulfillment within yourself. As Dalai Lama said in his book, The Art of Happiness, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” So, spirituality gives you the scope to be compassionate and happy.

Your Intuition Works:

We all have some gut feeling. It is like an inner voice that guides us. For spiritually awakened people, the voice becomes more concentrated, powerful, and authentic. With spiritual growth, your intuition becomes stronger. Whenever a situation arrives, you can make decisions wisely following your intuition. And most of the time, it is the right decision that you make. According to some spiritual studies, all thoughts, individuals, and objects have energy. Our spiritually awakened soul helps us to align our mindset with that energy.Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen? - Descriptive 5 - TCP

No Attachment can Hold you Back:

Whether it is your favorite dish or the love for a close one, nothing can bind you when you are spiritually awakened. It does not mean that you hate them. Instead, you love them more, yet the strings of attachment are cut. Let me simplify it more. Suppose, previously, you used to love a person more than yourself. If they got hurt, it used to bring a tear to your eyes, and you frantically used to look for ways to reduce his or her pain. Now, once you are enlightened with spirituality, the overwhelming expression goes away. You still love that person. But, instead of being overwhelmed, you try to resolve the problem with a calm mind and reason. If it is not solved after your full effort, you accept it as inevitable.

More Self-conscious:

Spiritual awakening makes you more conscious about yourself, including what you do, how you do, and so on. You may feel the presence of a divine entity within yourself. Gradually, you can feel your soul through the path of deep consciousness. However, the degree of self-consciousness varies. At the early stages of spiritual awakening, it is weak. But once you grow more, the sense becomes powerful.

Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen – The Reasons to Know:

Sometimes, skeptical beliefs say that ‘spiritual awakening’ is nothing but an escapist attitude of the weak. Some people associate it with psychological disorders. But, as per the scholars and researchers, spiritual awakening exists, and it is a way to become more powerful by heart, mind, and body. Let’s know why does spiritual awakening happen.

The Sudden Change of Mind:

The human mind is always dynamic. It roams here and there every time. Sometimes an unexpected happening can change your mind and opens the door of spiritual awakening. You cannot explain the moment; you only can feel it. Some experience, scene, or sound may trigger such a shift of mind. Due to this, a luxury-lover may turn into a saintly man; a promiscuous person may become concentric on one cause. A terrorist may put the gun; a killer may save lives.Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen? - Descriptive 4 - TCP

A Dream Sequence:

Sometimes, it is seen that such spiritual consciousness grows within people’s minds after undergoing some dream sequence. Suppose somebody is close to some deity or any religious concept and sees that in a dream, spiritual awakening may take place. It transforms the mind.

Wisdom through Knowledge:

Knowledge has power. It has the power to ignite the spark of spirituality within you. When you are passionate about gaining knowledge, you are likely to be spiritually awakened. Knowledge may come from books, ancient scriptures, even from a ruin of architecture.

Regular Practice of Spiritual Discipline:

Well, if you ask any wise man how to become spiritually awakened, you would get a suggestion to practice the spiritual discipline. The disciplines mainly are meditation, spending time with nature, and practicing gratitude. Also, connecting with the community, self-introspection, and regular prayers are on the list. Self-affirmation is another way to bring in inner peace and realize your soul.

Unexpected Shifts of Life:

Majorly painful, unexpected turns and twists of life may lead a person to become spiritually awakened. It may be an accident, the loss of a loved one, or a failure. The pain triggers the mind to question the existence and growth of life. Thus, gradually, the person starts finding the purpose of life. With a deep sense of consciousness, he feels connected to the Omnipotent. 

Spiritual awakening can happen to you for different reasons. Sometimes, it may also happen for no reason. After all, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

The Spiritual Awakening – Final Thoughts:

We hope you found your answer to why does spiritual awakening happen. In short, spiritual awakening occurs when you learn how to exist and grow in life, nurturing and nourishing the surroundings and adhering to the Divine Omnipotent. Call it ‘God’, ‘Allah’, ‘Iswar’, or as Vedanta says, ‘Brahma’, often, we see people getting scared of or being confused in the name of spiritual awakening. However, it is more than natural. There is nothing to feel uncomfortable with it. It happens only to make your life better than before. It brings you the ultimate happiness and peace of mind with the great comprehensive power of decision-making.

So, if it naturally comes to you, embrace it. If you feel disturbed or the upheavals of life make you feel distracted from life, practice spiritual disciplines. Gain different knowledge and try to find out the purpose of life. Be spiritually awakened from within. Serve the world with a kind heart and gentle soul.

-by Ishita Mondal

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Written by 

Ishita Mondal, from Durgapur, West Bengal has pursued her master's degree in English from Banaras Hindu University. Currently, she works as a professional writer who is passionate about writing on digital marketing, content writing, spirituality, self-development, and health & fitness. She loves to explore many other diverse niches through her writing.

One thought on “Why does Spiritual Awakening Happen?

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