
Yoga - Feature - TCP


-by Suresh Iyer

–Reading Time – 1 min Approx

For me I am the World as I see,

For each one, the World is his as they see.

See the World as it is,

Do not create your own World!

We live in the same World,

Each one his creation,

The creator within each,

Yet we create our different Worlds!

Why spill blood or fret over nothing?

Shed your ignorance and look within,

You are the Yogi.

No different are you from the Universe,

They are one and the same.

Observe your mind still and breathe.

We all do the same, never realize,

Watch your body, make each part act.

As they should and can,

In harmony with self, mind and nature,

Call it Pranayam or Meditation or Asana,

That is Yoga for you, me and all,

To bring wellbeing, peace and happiness.

To one and All.

-by Suresh Iyer

Yoga - Feature - TCP
Image Courtesy: Rishikesh Yoga Club
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Written by 

Suresh M Iyer, born in 20 March 1974 at the cultural city of Dombivli in Maharashtra works for CBI ACB Mumbai. He has a passion for writing short stories and poetry. Winner of Short Stories by the Writers Guild of India, AP. He writes on horror, romance and social drama in various blog sites.

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