–by Dr. Parijat De
–Reading Time – 1 min Approx
If I ask you, “Will you cry
When I die?”
You’d say,“ Sorry, brother,
I won’t lie-
But where’s the time
To bemoan your death?
Attending your rites
Or putting a wreath?”
I tell you, “Dear, that’s not an issue,
The knowledge gives me no pain-
Man may be born free
But everywhere he’s bound in chain.
I know well that in my life
Anybody who’s somebody,
Won’t have time when I depart
To shed tears for nobody.”
That’s why I’ve made up mind-
I’ll play a one-man game,
I’d lay down my own rules
And truthfully live by them.
Love? That’s a chimera,
I learnt that the hard way-
Respect? Honour? I care not for
To what use, in dotage, are they?
I’ll rather be a lover of nature,
And live a life of total solitude-
I’ll talk to my inner God ever
Conveying my heartfelt gratitude.
–by Dr. Parijat De