
–by Dr. Parijat De

–Reading Time – 1 min Approx

If I ask you, “Will you cry

When I die?”

You’d say,“ Sorry, brother,

I won’t lie-

But where’s the time

To bemoan your death?

Attending your rites

Or putting a wreath?”

I tell you, “Dear, that’s not an issue,

The knowledge gives me no pain-

Man may be born free

But everywhere he’s bound in chain.

I know well that in my life

Anybody who’s somebody,

Won’t have time when I depart

To shed tears for nobody.”

That’s why I’ve made up mind-

I’ll play a one-man game,

I’d lay down my own rules

And truthfully live by them.

Love? That’s a chimera,

I learnt that the hard way-

Respect? Honour? I care not for

To what use, in dotage, are they?

I’ll rather be a lover of nature,

And live a life of total solitude-

I’ll talk to my inner God ever

Conveying my heartfelt gratitude.

–by Dr. Parijat De

Image Courtesy: Medium
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Written by 

Dr Parijat De is a mining engineer by academic attainment and educational administrator by profession. Nonetheless he has kept alive his fondness for literary activity which has burst forth in this late age of 57. He is now a prolific writer and his creations, much appreciated by people from different stratum of society, border on 3/4 write-ups in a week. His oeuvre contains poems, essays, translations and the like. He writes in simple yet lucid language. Dr De lives with his wife in Kolkata, what was earlier known as Calcutta.

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