— By Kaisser Rana
— Reading Time – 3 min Approx

Once walking through the road,
Noticed the schools on the opposite flanks.
As I walked toward one of them-
Found the silence of the graveyard,
Hence for me everything was frozen.
Here the Multi-storied building,
Seemed to be without heart and vein,
As stitched together one after another-
By lifeless concretes and mortars.
And within it,
There seemed to be no organ to breathe
Neither had brain to imagine and dream.
Thus to search fragrance of life,
I went close by…….to peep inside
But found no sign of life!

Here Teacher seemed to be alike Pastor,
solemnly was chanting the sermon;
And the bell that struck to and fro,
Was like a gong of the clock tower-
That indicated the decay of the hours.
Thus for a moment-
I sighed in deep thought,
And quivered while thinking,
About the “Future of the nation”.
Thus, by this absurd thought, i shivered
And next found myself on the same road.
And hesitantly then looked toward the other side;
And for my amazement,
Ears received the buzzing sounds,
And eyes got a glimpse of the rainbow.
Thus felt the shower of joy and love.
Hence, I crossed the road-
And next found myself into the kid’s world.
Where emotion could be felt,
And the life is lived.

Where the nature was showering its pleasure
Where there is no boundation of ‘if’ and ‘buts’.
Where a child gets wings to her imagination,
Where everything was disciplined without the word ‘DISCIPLINE’
Where humanism prevailed leaving the bigot behind.
Thereafter, unwillingly I crawled back to the road
And gazed optimistically,
Towards a new horizon of education.
And then with resolute limbs
Next, found myself right into the world of life
Where the imagination is dreamed,
And a life is lived.
— By Kaisser Rana
Poem is beautifully compared with a human and its organ
Thanks for accomplish remark about the poem.
I could imagin both views that were described in Poem and felt happy reading second view. But fact of life is first view is not liked by anyone but forcefully followed to be successful in life financially.