Swami Vivekananda Death Reason

Swami Vivekananda Death Reason - Feature - TCP

Swami Vivekananda Death Reason

-by Ishita Mondal

–Reading Time – 8 min Approx

–Edited by – Srishti Bhattacharyya

“I don’t want to work. I want to be quiet and rest. I know the time and the place; but the fate, or Karma, I think, drives me on – work, work”- These are the words that Swamiji had written in a letter to Sister Nivedita in the year 1900, two years before his demise in July 1902. The great mystic had probably hinted at the pre-determined time and place for his “Mahaprayan” (the great demise) by saying, “I know the time and the location”.Swami Vivekananda Death Reason - Descriptive 1 - TCP

The reminiscences of Romain Rolland of the year 1902 depicts how Swamiji wished not to indulge in worldly affairs anymore and expressed that thought in his words – “I can no more enter into outside affairs; I am already on the way”. Thus, many factors are accumulated together, mystifying the death of the great disciple of Shree Shree Ramakrishna Paramhansa (the Supreme Swan). The sage’s famous prophecy about his own death was “I shall not live to be 40 years old,” and it was fulfilled as he died at 39 years of age.

It’s been 119 years since he left this mortal world and yet Swami Vivekananda’s death reason is often discussed. On 4th July 1902, Swamiji breathed his last at the age of 39. Often, different kinds of questions arise regarding Swami Vivekananda death age and reasons. Why did the sage die so early? What was the main reason behind his death? Was it really pre-determined or just a coincidence? Could not he postpone his own death as he was a great sage? Is there any spiritual significance of his death? With all of these questions, Swami Vivekananda history has become a mystic fact that we all want to know the truth about.

Swami Vivekananda Death Reason – The Day he Died:

It was the 4th of July. Swamiji performed his daily rituals of meditation in the early morning. Looking at the calendar hung beside his, he smiled. It was a special day. He felt blissful pleasure within his heart. New waves of energy filled him up. With new vigor and joyful pleasure, he immersed himself into deeper mediation.Swami Vivekananda Death Reason - Descriptive 2 - TCP

In the late morning, after performing his daily chores of spending time with others in the Belur Math (a place established by Swamiji to propagate the philosophy of Shree Ramkrishna). It was a blissful moment. He felt like connecting with his guru through the course of meditation. He found himself too close to his guru, Thakur Shree Shree Ramkrishna Paramhansa, who seemed to announce the clarion call for him to come and join him at the horizon of the mortal world.

After having lunch, he requested Swami Shuddhananda to bring the Shukla Yajur Veda (an Indian Sanatani Scripture describing Vedic tradition). From the book, he discussed the deep significance of the Kundalini Chakra. His discussion might remind us of the words of his guru. Thakur Shree Ramkrishna expressed that Swami Vivekananda was destined to find the path of salvation on his own when the time would come. That is exactly what happened with Swamiji.

After the long discussions on Vedanta and Vyakaran Sutras (norms of Sanskrit grammar), he went into his room, preparing himself for the most profound meditation ever. During prolonged meditation, he felt immensely powerful energy in his brain. He found his way to the path of salvation. His assigned works for the mortal world were done and on that day, at 9 PM he passed away. His prophecy for his own death came true. As his disciples say, he attained MahaSamadhi (the act of leaving the body consciously while dying).

Swami Vivekananda Death Reason – The Spiritual Prologue:

When we have embarked upon the journey of finding the Swami Vivekananda death reason, we must discuss how Swamiji’s spiritual quest is associated with his death. In the year 1898, Swami Vivekananda went to the Himalayas with Sister Nivedita for the last time in his life. As per the descriptions from different sources, Swamiji received the boon of Ichha-Mrityu (self-proclamation of death) from Lord Shiva. Leaving the cave where he received the blessing, he explained the whole thing to Sister Nivedita, leaving her awestruck.

This very fact holds great significance. If we look at his death from a spiritual perspective keeping aside our mortal reasons for a second, we will see how the Mahapurush was blessed by the Omnipotent, the Supreme Divine, the Param Brahma. He could choose the time and place for his death only because he was destined for that. He realized the deep ethos of birth and death in this world.

In Swamiji’s own words, “Death is but a change of condition. We remain in the same universe and are subject to the same laws as before. Those who have passed beyond and have attained high planes of development in beauty and wisdom are but the advance guard of a universal army who are following after them”, (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 4).

How did Swami Vivekananda Die – The Scientific Explanation:

Now, let’s discuss the scientific explanation of Swami Vivekananda’s death. If we look at the death of Swamiji from the perspective of modern science, we can call it a brain stroke, more specifically hemorrhagic stroke. As per the report, the rupture of a blood vessel in his brain caused his death. The rupture or leak leads to severe bleeding inside the brain and eventually, the blood comes out of the nostrils and ears, leaving the eyes red.Swami Vivekananda Death Reason - Descriptive 5 - TCP

As per the renowned doctor, Dr. Bipin Ghosh, Swamiji died of Sanyas rog or Thrombosis. It is a fatal health condition in which blood clots block the veins and arteries. According to another doctor, Dr. Mahendra Majumdar, it was a severe case of heart stoppage.  However, when it is about one of the greatest sages of all time, it is hard to explain every aspect of his life and works logically.

Even his death will also be a mystery forever until we reach the divine path where he started his journey. Till then, no matter how much we try, we probably cannot demystify the circles of death and birth or the great mystics.

Swami Vivekananda Death Reason – From the Spiritual Perspective:

While science explains it as a hemorrhagic stroke inside the brain, spiritual explanation mentions it as – the Brahmarandhra being pierced due to a strong attack of Kundalini Chakra. Brahmarandhra (or Sahasrara) is the crown chakra found inside the head. Brahmarandhra is the seventh primary chakra among all of the seven chakras found inside the human body as per the Tantric Yoga tradition. The chakras become activated when someone tries to awake them through deep practice of meditation. As per the sources, Swamiji was able to revive the chakras.Swami Vivekananda Death Reason - Descriptive 6 - TCP

When he sat at meditation, the powerful energy lifted the chakras and started awakening them. The most powerful driving force of the Kundalini Chakra (the complete seven chakras) started rising upwards. There were obstacles on the way but Swamiji surpassed them all with his power of Yoga. In this way, the power of chakras reached the Brahmarandhra, which is the ultimate chakra in the head. Finally, the complete power was accumulated inside the brain of Swamiji. His Yogsadhana for Mahasamadhi was completed. Finally, he was on his way to salvation.

Thus, we can explain Swami Vivekananda death reason spiritually. Nonetheless, we are just mere readers with few lines of bookish knowledge in our heads. The vastness of Swamiji, his philosophy, and his way of life and death are like an untouchable ocean to us. We can enjoy few drops of it, but it is hard to immerse in it. Let’s find out the reason for his death in his own words. Many a time, he talked about death and after-life on different occasions. Let’s have a look at the points.

How Swamiji Explained Death – His Own Words:

When we seek the reasons for the death of the great sage like Swami Vivekananda, we must ponder over his words about death and other factors associated with it. So, what did the seer say?

  • “Death means going back to the component parts, and that which was never a compound can never die. It is sheer nonsense to say it dies,” (Immortality, Swami Vivekananda) – The concept of dissolving into Pancha Mahabhoot or five elements on Earth reflects here.Swami Vivekananda Death Reason - Descriptive 2 - TCP
  • “Even death is but a manifestation of that real existence. Birth and death, life and decay, degeneration and regeneration — are all manifestations of that Oneness,” (The Freedom of Soul, Swami Vivekananda) – The words define the ultimate surrender to the supreme Lord, The One Omnipotent.
  • “Have no weakness even in the face of death. Do not repent, do not brood over past deeds, and do not remember your good deeds; be âzâd (free),” (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 7, Inspired Talks) – The boldness of the words is mesmerizing and enthralling. Being weak is not at all acceptable, even at the moment of death.
  • “The human soul is eternal and immortal, perfect and infinite, and death means only a change of center from one body to another,” (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 1) – The immortality of the soul is described here. This is what our holy scripture Geeta.
  • “The Sannyasin is to love death,” (Sannyasa: It’s Ideal and Practice, Swami Vivekananda) – The apparently simple words carry a grave thought in itself which is the essence of Sannyasa. Adhering to Sannyasa means loving death, yet fulfilling all the mortal responsibilities.
  • “Death is better than a vegetating ignorant life; it is better to die on the battlefield than to live a life of defeat,” (Maya and Freedom, Swami Vivekananda) – What else can be more inspiring than these words? It clearly states that death is far better than living a stagnant life without knowledge and enlightenment.
  • “The only sign of life is going outward and forward and expanding. Contraction is death,” (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 7, Epistles) – Moving forward, expanding your personal, professional, and spiritual existence – that is what life is about. The moment you confine yourself to a narrow aspect of life, you are doomed. That is the death, death of your soul.

Final Words – Death is Inevitable yet Conquerable:

Coming to the end of our discussion on Swami Vivekananda death reason, let’s say Swamiji embraced the inevitable yet conquered it. Living thousands of years doesn’t mean anything if you do not make some difference in your surroundings. Swamiji lived only 39 years in this world. And he did what many cannot do, living for hundreds of years. Once his duties are over, he embraced death with divine intervention. With his deeds, he conquered Death and became immortal forever.

 -by Ishita Mondal

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Written by 

Ishita Mondal, from Durgapur, West Bengal has pursued her master's degree in English from Banaras Hindu University. Currently, she works as a professional writer who is passionate about writing on digital marketing, content writing, spirituality, self-development, and health & fitness. She loves to explore many other diverse niches through her writing.

2 thoughts on “Swami Vivekananda Death Reason

  1. One of the best writings on death of swamiji have ever came across . Your deep love for swamiji is traceable on all lines of your writing . Indeed swami vivekananda was and still is the full blazing Sun of spirituality and strength which the world has ever seen and yet to see. Great post , keep up the good work , you are enlightening the humanity.
    “Namah Sri yati Rajaye Vivekananda suraye
    Sanchit sukh Swaroopaye swa.ine Tapaharine” .
    ” Aum sthapakaye che Dharmassya
    Sarva Dharma Swaroopene
    Avatar varishthaya Sri Ramakrishna Te Namaha ”

    Jay Thakur, Jay vivekananda.

    Aum Sri yatira
    – by Ayan seal , from Kolkata.

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