All India Literature Competition 2019-20
by The Creative Post
Winner – 11th Position
(Judges’ Choice)
—by Nibedita Mandal
–Reading Time – 14min Approx
Sri Hari woke up from a deep slumber on Prabodhini Ekadashi. Brahma was already waiting upon Sri Hari on his lotus throne attached to the umbilical cord. “My Lord, before you last closed your eyes, you wanted me to gear up for
something mammoth”, said Brahma to Sri Hari. “Yes, Brahma, I want you to design eighty-four million different kind of species and they shall all live in one of the planets in the solar system nearest to my heart”, replied Sri Hari.
Brahma in consultation with his creator, Sri Hari sketched the outline of all the eighty-four million species. Sri Hari interrupted, “But Brahma, there is no connectivity in these. I want you to plan all the species such that each may have its own distinct genre, but all should be interdependent.” Brahma smiled at the ingenuity of his creator.
Brahma was assiduously working on the blueprint of the species. He firstly categorised all species into two broad categories – Givers and takers. Brahma thought to himself, “All those who will just give without taking anything in return are the ones who will become nurturer just like my Sri Hari. Rest others, just let them enjoy and perish!” With bundles of huge plans, he approached Sri Hari. “My dear Brahma, I just love the scheme of givers and takers. Put the trees, soil, water bodies, lightness, darkness in the category of givers. I will shower my grace upon them to end all their expectations!”, said Sri Hari with a visible satisfaction on his face.
Sri Hari called on Narada muni and asked him to call all the planets along with Surya dev and Chandrama. Narada hurried to the kingdom of Surya. “Hail my lord, I want to share the message of Sri Hari to you.” Surya dev resplendent with pride and a deep yearning to serve Sri Hari asked, “Yes, Narada muni, please let me know the wish of my creator.” “Narayan! Narayan! That I do not know myself, but Sri Hari wants to meet you along with all the planets together”, quipped Narada.
Next, we find all the nine dignitaries with folded hands in front of Sri Hari. “My creator, my father, thank you for remembering us. Please command”, said Surya to Sri Hari as all others looked with curiosity in their eyes. “The time has come when I will bestow my glory upon each one of you. Ask me one quality each and I shall fulfil your wish”, told Sri Hari.
After some discussion Surya, Chandrama, Mangal, Budh, Brihaspati, Shukra and Shani were ready with their respective wish list while Prithvi was late. “My father, you are my source, so I want to be like you”, asked Surya. “Certainly!” blessed Sri Hari. Next Chandrama voiced, “I want to have the power over everything invisible and something which can never be measured.” Sri Hari smiled and understood Chandrama’s brilliance and said, “Granted.” Mangal requested Sri Hari with a wish, “I want to be the source of strength of all types like a warrior who never rests.” Sri Hari quite proud of Mangal bestowed his grace and agreed. Then in line stood Budh with his folded hands, “I want to be the source of intelligence Lord.” “So be it!” blessed Sri Hari. Now it was Brihaspati who was the humblest and waited patiently for his turn before requesting, “Hail my father, I want to be the source of wisdom that can connect everyone with you.”
Next in queue came Shukra as he asked, “Sri Hari, I want symbolize beauty, grace and abundance.” Not to deny, Sri Hari agreed. Then it was the turn of Shani who purposefully kept his eyes down at an angle with which he could see his Lord without causing any sabotage. “I have always been the last my Lord so I wish that I should come into picture at last as usual”, said Shani. Sri Hari beamed with kindness and muttered, “Shani. Then it is agreed that you will be the authority over each one’s karma. Let each do his karma and you shall do the justice after the karma has been done.”
Meanwhile huffing puffing Prithvi entered the monumental hall where the entire clique was holding their discussion. With deep repentance in her eyes, Prithvi folded her hands and regretted for her delayed arrival. “Now that Prithvi, you are here. Tell me a wish which I can honour for you?” asked Sri Hari.
Prithvi being in embarrassment for not being able to come early, requested, “Oh, my Lord, thank you for your grace. I want nothing. You just command what you want me to do.” Sri Hari appeared glad to hear Prithvi and then said, “My dear Prithvi, you are so selfless. Then it is decided that it is on your surface I shall bring all my creations. You will be life provider. The true symbol of giver!”
The pillars of the master plan are ready which made Sri Hari and Brahma filled with gratification. However, Brahma was inquisitive to which Sri Hari smiled and said, “Brahma, let us go to Shiva to have my final discussions.” Shiva with his well-built almost sculpted body, eyes closed realised that Sri Hari is near to him. After showing the blueprints to Shiva who was not very keen into these asked Sri Hari, “Why all this?” Sri Hari had expected this query from his dear Shiva. He explained to Shiva that, “With our immense whiteness and never-ending energy which all three of us have generated, the time has now come to expand this source in different species. Therefore, creation will happen.” Shiva experienced bliss as Brahma explained him the concept of ‘givers and takers’ which will be the only borderline to exist in this enormous plan of Sri Hari. The borderline which will lead all species to come and join their creator-Sri Hari.
Long ago, Sri Hari had promised one of her consorts, Maya, that she will form an integral part of his creativity someday. “Today is the day I have to call on Maya”, muttered Sri Hari to himself. Narada appeared at once with servile gesture in front of Sri Hari and Brahma dev. “Maya!” called out Sri Hari, “Ask her to come and meet me.” Narada muni had a tint of awe and suspicion while he carried out the command of his master.
Maya’s heart skipped a beat. She was epitome of beauty with voluptuous figure and engaging smile. However, the enticing feature of Maya was her eyes. Captivating. Even Narada being a brahmachari remained flabbergasted with her beauty. Nevertheless, he said, “Devi, Sri Hari wishes to meet you.” “What for?” muttered Maya with her supple, slightly opened lips. “Narayan! Narayan! I do not ask questions to my Lord”, replied Narada.
Beautiful Maya, though the word only half describes her physical attributes. With all her grace and femininity, folds her hand and pays her obeisance to Sri Hari. “Dear Maya, aeons ago I had promised you that you shall be part of my most grandiose creation”, spoke Sri Hari. “The time is now ripe”, Sri Hari told Maya as she looked intently with her razor-sharp eyes at him as he continued “Brahma dev has designed a colossal creation who will inhabit planet Prithvi.” Maya looked piqued while trying to guess her role. “Devi, now I give you one task, all these species will have equal opportunity to come to me. But you must design a matrix in such a way that only when a creature is able to figure out the matrix and breaks free of that voluntarily, can it come to me”, explained Sri Hari.
Not the one to succumb to the challenge, Maya rolls her eyes to think of borderline- “givers and takers” that is what Brahma dev told her about the key theme of this creation. After days of pondering, Maya comes to Sri Hari. She folds her hand and smiles in an endearing style. “The matrix is ready my Lord”, quips Maya. Sri Hari became extremely contented because he knew the work is done.
Maya opens her plan in front of the holy trinity. “Any creation that will take birth on Prithvi will die. But throughout its life it will be in a matrix of two by two’ tells Maya. Brahma is quick to ask Maya to explain her plan in detail. Maya beams at her astuteness, ‘The matrix will include firstly anything that lasts long will be considered good. Secondly, anything that makes a creature look good will be considered worth having for. Thirdly, anything which gives material satisfaction will be strived for. Lastly, each creation will run all its life to chase these three but as it will take its last breath, it will realize that it is not able to take any of these with it. The only thing which it can take is its deeds performed keeping in mind Sri Hari’”, Maya tells and smiles.
—by Nibedita Mandal