The Spiritual Gene
We, humans, have a spiritual capacity. A spark of light. And our task is to develop it. This needs to be worked on. The best way to do it is in alliance with the people.
Spiritual Development Issues & Articles
We, humans, have a spiritual capacity. A spark of light. And our task is to develop it. This needs to be worked on. The best way to do it is in alliance with the people.
You can find such happenings mostly in spring. At that time, the male birds are establishing their territories. If they see any windowpane, they find their reflections over there. And thus, they think that their rival wants to take hold of their territory. Considering this, they hit the window revolving around it again and again. From mockingbirds, robins to other different species-all are used to such happenings.
Majorly painful, unexpected turns and twists of life may lead a person to become spiritually awakened. It may be an accident, the loss of a loved one, or a failure. The pain triggers the mind to question the existence and growth of life. Thus, gradually, the person starts finding the purpose of life. With a deep sense of consciousness, he feels connected to the Omnipotent.
What is patternicity? Well, let us explain. Have you ever tried to connect threads among the facts or incidents that are unrelated? This tendency is called patternicity. Many paranormal experiences are described as such a chain of events connected together with a belief. For example, if somebody experiences an automatic shutdown of light followed by the presence of cold air and eerie sounds, they may call it a paranormal experience.
Yoga is now practiced worldwide by millions of people; different yoga studios and ashrams perform and teach different styles of yoga. This popular practice is a vast subject to study. It is a gift from ancient India to the world. In the year 2014, current Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed the idea of an International Yoga Day which was accepted by the general assembly of the United Nation. International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June every year from 2015 onwards.
A particular state of mind can talk us about something more, something that is hidden, denied and that influences our daily emotions. Consequently those emotions will impact on our dreams. The latter will try to transform in images and symbols all those emotions and the truth behind them leading us to compensate what we lack and what we do not listen during the daylight. The dream will bring the message to the conscious mind the morning later, influencing again our day, feelings and state of mind. Until when?
But even if you consider yourself a responsible user of Nature, in the very depth of your heart, there is a conviction: “The world must serve me—nourish, provide necessary conditions for life, development, and safety. Because I’m so . . . special.”
Aporesh said he had practiced the teachings given in Patanjali Yoga Sutras. The practice is difficult and requires persistence. It allows one to gain insights into happenings around us. It allows the mind to boldly go where no mind has gone before..
People have lot of misconceptions about meditation. The simplest right answer is – Any mental activity where you are focused on one object, subject or thought for duration is meditation.