Do you really need Art to live?
(Reading Time: 7 min Approx)
Art is that part of your existence that helps your consciousness recognize beauty. Art is the other way of representing your inward thoughts. Art makes you happy, releases your stress and heals your mind!
Having said that, Artistry is a special talent that is God gifted to only few. Beyond that it’s the hard-earned skill that comes through years of practice. Not every stroke is excellent, but every canvas has its own vision – its own story to tell. Proficiency in this demands years of practice on correct foundations.
So what should art education be like?

Art education is a part of self-development and integral guide for a disciplined life. An art school teaches the importance of worshiping the talent and skilfully guiding the development of your faculties of hands (Skill/Grammar), eyes (Maturity/Perception) and taste (Aesthetics) in the chosen medium. It is a way of expression, a way to break stress free from the world’s chaos and to find a path of peace. Art gives wings to your dreams.
Art includes paintings, sculpture, clay, wood, textile and photography. In this age of modern technology, Art also includes graphic designing & digital paintings. Art schooling is way different form general schooling and is of different levels from elementary to graduation – it’s more of an experience-based knowledge transfer than information based. If Art is your passion, you can even use it to make yourself quite a living today. The scope has more increased today than ever. Artists are now needed not only to just paint and make illustrations, but also to design books, magazines, cloths, jewellery, interior decoration, architecture, film making, television & advertisement industry, schools and festive decorations.
Art & Art Education in Kolkata:
The art loving Kolkata is known as ‘The city of joy’. It has a very rich art history. Theatre, music, films, dance all represent best art scopes here. In durga puja pandals, Bengal & India’s largest festival, the best artworks design our celebrations rising above religious limitations releasing the true spirit of a creative society.

There are more than 95 centers of art in Kolkata – including schools, colleges and galleries. Then there are individual artists running their personal tutorial homes. It is clearly evident that Learning Art – especially Painting is an essential part of Bengal’s student life. But at a senior level, there are serious restrictions. Top most colleges have both seat and age limits. For the rest, the major challenge is the teaching technique in Kolkata, as most schools are just happy making copy masters.
Art School in Kolkata:
Looking at these challenges, a unique concept of Art Therapy based Art School was formulated and brought to life two years back. The idea was to teach art to all ages – from 8 – 80, in a technically correct manner, setting the bar high and providing the students of all ages to professionally absorb Art. In just four-years time Anthelion School of Art, as it is better known today has been greeted with tremendous warmth and love, by Kolkata and the world. In this short span it has nearly 400+ registrations from every Indian states and 6 other countries and completed 15+ events, with exhibitions, workshops & outdoors.
But the most prominent value addition in teaching of Art has been the application of basic principle of Art Therapy which has made its student’s extremely happy and enthusiastic in their personal lives. It promotes the good art works of its students and tries to sell them through Facebook Store. It conducted its first ever Student’s Exhibition “The Strokes – 2018” in November 2018 and by far organized more than 5 exhibitions and 10+ workshops in Painting. It organises the National Scholastic Fine Arts Competition (NSFAC) every year.
Anthelion School of Art has both Online and Classroom programs for people of all ages from across the globe. It is truly an International Art School for Adults operation with global standard syllabus following the Art Therapy methods. It has got separate courses for kids and adults.

The greatest differentiator that the ISO 9001:2015 certified Anthelion School of Art is trying to establish is that “Art is for ALL”. Today is has got students from not only Kolkata but from the districts of Burdwan, South Dinajpur, Midnapur, South 24 Parganas and from Jharkhand and North Eastern States along with international students from Singapore & Switzerland. This success is attributed to the carefully drafted syllabus designed by the Mentors of Anthelion School of Art and their in-depth knowledge and passion for teaching art to every student as personally.
Kolkata needs a paradigm shift in Art Teaching and Art Selling. Instead of just attracting people to Art, the vision of Anthelion School of Art is to take Art to the People. To make Art a very Part of people’s lives.
I want to learn water colour painting .I don’t know any process and how to spread colour but I love this very much.
Please contact Anthelion School of Art – or call them at 9733504525.