Treasures of Innocence

(Reading Time: 7 min Approx)

Little Joseph Bhuiya has little to smile about, or so he thinks. After the untimely demise of his father, Joseph is grief-stricken, and as a survival mechanism he has stopped speaking frequently and smiling less and less. Coming from a very poor background and growing up in a slum, where his mother is a household help in various houses, she leaves Joseph alone for long periods of time without any option. In this entire process of loneliness and grief Joseph finds himself alone and craving attention and solace.

This is where Treasures of Innocence, comes into action. Every weekend Joseph and lots of children like Joseph come to the center for extracurricular activities such as drawing, drama, storytelling, quelling, singing and dancing. Treasure of Innocence is a place for them to explore their creative side in any way they like.

Treasures of Innocence (ToI) is a non-profit organization empowering children’s minds to dream big and stand with courage, curiosity, confidence and creativity. It creates leaders with innovation and creativity. ToI strives to remove the demons from an underprivileged child’s life and give them the confidence to dream and achieve. The aim is to make children grow unhampered and unmindful of the social evils that surround them.

“There is limited scope for harnessing creativity of the children, providing impetus for thoughtful action and joyful learning. Scope of self-exploration is missing. Poor language skill, analytical and application skill makes the children less confident to compete with others getting quality education. There is lack of hope, tendency to give-up fast and end up life with failure and hopelessness. It’s a never-ending vicious cycle,” says Rani Bhowani, the founder of ToI. She is the force behind this wonderful endeavour. We started our inception in 2013, before our registration in October 2014 as Treasures of Innocence (ToI) under West Bengal Society Act 1961. Children, the treasure trove of humanity, are enabled by our organization to function as a sedate, sensible yet sensitive individual in the society when they grow up. The value of riches, as a treasure, is often realized, once it is rediscovered.

Treasures of Innocence aims to develop students who are reflective thinkers, understand their own strengths & limitations, identify goals & devise strategies for personal growth. TOI also makes sure that the children are willing to accept new challenges & new roles, are aware of themselves as members of communities with a sense of responsibility towards each other & the environment. TOI makes sure that the children can balance their joy and find significance in a range of activities involving intellectual, physical, creative and emotional experiences. Our inspiration towards this cause is tremendous. We as an organisation, fight. Fight for the rights of every child from all walks of life for a fair chance at achieving their dreams and utilizing their potential. Achieving this tremendous goal would be impossible, if we did not believe in what we are doing. Even when the going gets tough, scarcity of funds, resources failing, innumerable problems cropping up, we do not give up.  With the support of our beloved patrons and well-wishers we march ahead.

The mentors are loving, caring and patient. The children are loved, valued and encouraged here. We believe that every child deserves an opportunity for education in any form they desire. We do our very best to make them world ready through expressing their creativity.

Nowadays Joseph smiles again, maybe not a lot, but more than before. In him and all our children, we see hope and craving for knowledge and exploration through creative measures. Please help us be successful and continue to support these wonderful children to achieve beyond their dreams.

To contribute please log in to our website.

Let’s make a worry-free childhood for our children, our future. Let’s give them the gift of education, courage to dream and the chance to achieve. “Creativity at the heart of leadership”- That is Treasures of Innocence. Come and join us.

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One thought on “Treasures of Innocence

  1. Treasures of Innocence is truly a wonderful organization where underprivileged children from extremely difficult backgrounds come to explore their creative side. The mentors are caring and loving, and nourishes the creative part of our children. Treasures of Innocence is truly an outlet for the children to grab opportunities that might otherwise not be available to them. Great job!!!

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