The Nude Model and The Artist
When the artist will sculpt
Her beauty on his canvas,
His brush now his chisel,
Hands, an ardent worshipper’s!
When the artist will sculpt
Her beauty on his canvas,
His brush now his chisel,
Hands, an ardent worshipper’s!
It is avoiding suffering at the cost of giving up on oneself. It is persisting in nourishing the expectations of others on our person, feeding and dragging over time a role that does not represent who we really are. For what? For the illusion of receiving affection, attention and recognition from those around us. But that slight melancholy in our gaze, that sudden anger, that emptiness in the stomach will come knocking to remind us of the urgency of the freedom to be. We would have no faults in choosing ourselves and our true nature, we would not betray anyone.
-Written By Kankabati Datta (Reading Time: 16 min Approx) “I’m Abanindranath Tagore. I write pictures. (Chhobi Likhi). I can’t say I’m too good at spellings but I sure know how to make people spell bound!” Such were the words visionary Read more
One thing can be surely said that Mr. Aich is an opinionated man and he is very precise and to the point when it comes to expressing them. We are honoured and privileged to Artist Mr. Samir Aich for sharing his thoughts and enriching us about Art and its attributes.
My poems are usually reactionary – meaning I write in response to incidents or scenes, or evens that move me or through me in a way that requires immediate outburst. I edit and re-edit my poems; then try to redesign the scratched-out portions into interesting artwork much like Tagore! My poems are therefore infrequent compared to my artistic pursuits. The creation of a painting or piece of art is a far lengthier process.
Art is a part of heArt. No matter how much left brain people we are, there is some element of Art that is there in life which influences our Mind, Happiness and Body Functions. This Article speaks of How Art affects and helps a Healthy Living. How to bring some Art to your life? And about Art School in Kolkata for kids and adults.